C H A P T E R 1 1

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Loira stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair fell over her shoulders in waves. She was dressed in soft velvety red off-shoulder dress matching with her ruby red jewellery and red heels. She let out a long breath before walking out greeting her friends who were lazing about and dressed appropriately. Winter was in her off-shoulders grey-blue dress under a black blazer. The boys were dressed in their button-up ruffled sleeve shirt under their blazers and black jeans. 

"Why are you wearing jeans?" Loira disapproved to the boys who in return frowned at her.

"Why can't we?" Loquin pouted in annoyance. Loira sighed.

"Winter and Loquin," Loira rested her hands on her hips in utter frustration. The two stared innocently at her.

"Why are you wearing Loquin's blazer and Loquin why are you not wearing your blazer?" Loira narrowed her eyes. Francis exchanged glances with the two and the three of them immediately averted their eyes elsewhere. Francis to the ground. Loquin to the sky and Winter to the side. Loira huffed.

"Really guys?" Loira sighed rubbing her temples.

"We should really go," Francis crossed his arms. The other two nodded quickly and the three left the room downstairs to the carriage. Loira frowned slightly before shaking her head and brightened in the idea of meeting Vynx. She hurriedly left the room to the awaiting carriage. The carriage was magnificent. It gleamed under the moonlight and streetlamp. Gems reflecting objects in the light. The footmen opened the door bowing slightly to Loira as she ascended the stairs and into the carriage. The door slammed shut and the coachman shifted comfortably on his seat snapping the reins making the carriage jolt forward. Soon the rumbling sound of the carriage sounded through the streets. People made way and watched in the shadows in awe at the beauty trotting through the streets. Loira turned to the three who were still not looking at her.

"How long are we going to take?" Loira turned her attention to the coachman.

"About half an hour, Miss," Loira nodded to herself. Winter finally turned her gaze to Loira.

"What are the Chosen Ones like?" she asked. Loira smiled slightly.

"They are a weird bunch.." Loira trailed off. Winter leaned forward eagerly.

"How so?" Loquin and Francis addressed their conversation silently.

"Well.. the leader is Jaden. He is quiet," Francis nodded. Loquin brightened.

"Yes. He is. Alexandra is like you. Emilia.. is more the crazy and weird one.. I learn from the best," Loquin shifted his gaze away his cheeks turned pink slightly. Loira laughed.

"Angelique is more of the dry and sarcastic one. Emeral is the smart and intelligent brains of the group," Francis nodded with a hum.

"Fox is the sweetest and cutest of the group. Basically the baby of the group. Sylvynir is the mature one. Literally," Loira spoke. Her eyes drifted towards the window.

"And there's Hydra! She's the youngest and the best fighter. Pretty chill and cool," Loquin tugged at Winter's fingers boredly. Her hair was in a braided bun so he couldn't tug her hair. 

"You forgot one more," Francis rolled his eyes. Loira's face completely glowed and her smile was wide.

"Yes. It is King Vynx. He was part of the group," Loira sighed looking at the window again.

"Was?" Winter furrowed her brows. Loquin shifted closer to Winter.

"Yeah. Was. He was then crowned king. Most people are surprised that he was part of the Chosen group. His friends may or may not have drifted away from him. His papers and work take up most of his time to hang out with his friends. He is still learning to be a proper king," Loquin explained. Loira looked surprised.

Bringing Both Worlds Together (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 3Where stories live. Discover now