C H A P T E R 1 8

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⚠️ Be aware. There will be a scene here which might affect audiences. Blood included. ⚠️

Winter's mind still whirled around the fact that Ms Grunell is the woman from her vision. That means she's working for the Pesks right? She thought still thinking of the vision she had from the person who handed her baby self to the orphanage. Everyone invited to the castle that Vynx is friends with. That means Alexandra, Jaden, Sylvynir, Hydra, Emeral, Angelique, Emilia and Fox. As well as the 'L' family and their friends. All sat in the meeting room.

"I can't believe it! Winter! You're so smart! I believe you're the Chosen One!" Emeral exclaimed after making sense of what Vynx said. Winter shrugged mutely. Curiosity still brewing wildly in her head.

"Is everything ok?" Francis asked curiously. Xena sat beside him.

"Remember Ms Grunell Loey?" Winter suddenly asked. Loira nodded.

"She's working for the Pesks. I think we found out too late. She's been rude and watching us strangely," Winter explained. Loira gasped.

"OH YEAH! Her!" she exclaimed jumping up. 

"I can't believe we missed it!" she growled furiously.

"Calm down.. We'll get this sorted," Vynx beckoned her to sit immediately.

"But do we know where the Pesks are located?" Alexandra questioned. A map appeared in her hand. She spread the map out on the desk peering at it. Captain Silwood chortled. 

"I've got it!" he exclaimed. He stood up marching towards the map.

"You see this?" he placed his index on the map circling a small area painted in black.

"I believe this is where they are located. Why? Because, I, myself and me have seen many Pesks wandering around in that area!" he explained clearly. 

"Me hearties were shook! Ye should'av seen!" he shook his head reminiscing that time. 

"Woah," Janet mumbled. Her eyes flickered elsewhere. Winter narrowed her eyes. Janet has been acting weird for ever since she heard the news of the Pesks. She stretched her mind out. Struggling a bit. She reached her mind into Janet's.

"Oh no.." that was what she got before she was kicked out. Blinking rapidly. Winter scowled. Janet smiled nervously.

"I need to go to the toilet. I'll be right back," she stood up abruptly and rushed out. They watched her suspiciously. Winter stood up afterwards.

"We shouldn't trust her. I just entered her mind. She is shocked that we found the Pesks' hiding territory and wants to warn them!" Winter pointed out. Alexandra and her gang nodded in agreement. Seemingly to conclude the same thing.

"What?! No way!" Zed cried out. He refused to believe his wife would do such things. Suddenly, an alarm blared.

"The dungeons!" Vynx shouted in surprise. They rushed down to find the cells of the thing and Cindy empty. Janet slumped to the wall fearfully.

"They rushed out! They attacked me!" she screamed clawing at her neck having a panic attack.

"They shouldn't have! Why are you down here?!" Gruff roared. Zed tried comforting his wife.

"I heard something and went to investigate and they jumped!" she squalled. Winter refused to believe her. 

"No. You have the key on you! Give it!" she commanded. Zed let his hand wander and yanked the key out. Betrayal evident on his face.

"I can't believe you!" he cried. Hurt displayed on his face. Janet shrugged him off.

"NO! IT WAS THEM! THEY SLIPPED IT INTO ME I THINK!! WHY DO YOU THINK I WOULD DO THAT?!!" Janet wailed loudly protesting forcefully. 

"Stop making excuses you human! You mole! You have known this ever since!" Bulk growled. Janet shook her head.

"NOOO! BELIEVE ME!!" Janet clung to her husband's leg. He kicked her off. Fury on his face.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" he shouted in anger. Janet flinched under the glares of the supernatural. Footsteps ran down and they found one of the guards holding onto Cindy. She was pale and not breathing anymore.

"My king. I killed this one. The other one escaped," the guard bowed his head. Vynx tensed angrily.

"Kill this one as well," he spoke.

"WHAT!? YOU DON'T HAVE EVIDENCE!!!! I DIDN'T DO IT!!" Janet screeched desperately. 

"You did," Xena confirmed.

"Why? How? You have no scratch on you. The only injury is self-inflicted," Francis explained smugly. The knight brought his knife out letting it glint in the dim candlelight. 

"One more thing. Go. To. Hell." Zed spat at his wife. Janet let out a scream as the guard plunge his knife into her. Blood splattered everywhere. 

"No wonder they're going strong! She has been telling them everything!" Gruff grumbled.

"Damn. We must tell others about the attack. After all, that renegade might have reported just as she gone home," Silwood cursed. The others agreed. They hurriedly rushed out reporting to other soldiers and guards. Just as they finished. Loud stampede of footsteps sounded far off the castle grounds. 

"They're here already!" Loira gasped. Rivere sucked in a shaky breath.

"Some of them you mean. The rest must still be waiting until we sneak into their territory to fight their master," Lovei mumbled quietly. They rushed out. Hundreds of Pesks were already by the door of the walls. Arrows flew in the air and swords already starts to clang. The friends and Vynx launched out of the castle fighting back the Pesks. Winter used her mind element to control most of the Pesks to fight their people as well as killing them. Francis let his Feral self show and Rivere played around. Dead corpses and bodies sprawled across the floor. Some even decapitated. Vynx wiped his hand on his forehead accidentally smearing blood on himself. With a huff, he swung his sword again and again killing all his attackers. Loira wrinkled her nose at the heavy metallic smell holding in her vomit. She gagged cringing and held her breath as she killed another.

"When is this gonna end?" Loira panted exhausted. Bulk huffed lowly.

"After they all die," he replied gruffly. Loira sighed glancing at her friends who are going on a killing spree. 

"Wow," she mumbled dodging a strike before striking her attacker. She pinched her mouth in annoyance as the blood got onto her.

"Don't expect it to be clean," Angelique laughed in a carefree way before cutting off and ducking, dodging the weapon. Loira huffed. Hours later, the fighters stood still glancing at the dead bodies of the Pesks.

"I found her," the same guard appeared. In his hand is the 'thing'. "And killed her." he finished awkwardly. 

"Ok. You've done enough for us, Jared! We need to prepare for an attack and a war with the Pesks," Vynx spoke. Dabbing a towel on his forehead ridding the blood. 

"Aight. We're leaving tomorrow. It's already dusk. Get ready and we'll depart by dawn," Jaden concluded. Vynx and the others agreed. They turned around walking back into the castles as some of their guards used their magick to rid all the blood and bodies.


Yoho! Next chapter will have some action! Mwhahah... and some jokes on you.

1141 words.

Bringing Both Worlds Together (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 3Where stories live. Discover now