C H A P T E R 1 5

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"The Queen has bore her first child! The succeeder of the throne!" Those were the first words that brought the villager's excitement out to live. They prayed for the best as they prepared the decoration welcoming the child to the village. 

Years passed and Princess Volise has reached the age of 6. She sat on the rails of the balcony listening to her father's baritone voice. 

"When you're older. You must kill those who are a threat to your throne to rule for some time," he informed to his daughter. Volise nodded seriously.

"Of course father," she replied maturely. Way mature for her age. She has been training harder and smarter as she grew older.

"I'm telling you this because my father had to do it to his brothers. They all want to seize the throne. My father is the eldest and the wisest. Fit to be king. So when you're older. You should just have one child to stop that from happening. Sí?" he turned to his daughter who's eyes glittered under the moon. She nodded.

"Tell me how we found this land and why we're royals," his daughter turned to him, interest peaking in her. The king nodded.

"Of course. Our ancestors were the first to find this clear land perfect for the people they were fleeing with from our old village, Ivitika. They were intelligent and fit for ruling. They helped build houses and make up the law for all of us to strictly follow. This has been continuing for decades," the king recounted smiling slightly at the starry sky. Volise let out a quiet breath. She was the true succeeder of the throne. Everyone supported and agreed with her taking over the power smoothly after the retire of her parents without any bumps. Unfortunately, a bump came a long. On the queen's belly. She was excited for their second child as Volise wasn't her favourite. Volise grown to the age of 10 and she stood in the shadows with her twin friends. 

"We should kill the child. It is the threat to your throne. Seeing that your parents are already in love with it," one of the twins spoke. He looked down at Volise who scowled at the thought. The other twin wrapped an arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

"We'll watch the outcome of this new favourite brat," Volise answered coldly curling her hand into a fist. The twins looked down at her worriedly.

Years grew older as Volise became the best trained warrior. Renai, her little sister grew weaker and naïve. Always bratty and childish continuously spoilt over the top and smothered with love. Volise scrunched her nose in disgust. Everything in Renai's room was pink from top to bottom. 

"Wake up," she ordered strictly. Renai whined. Volise scoffed under her breath and yanked the blanket off Renai glowering down at the mistake of the family. Renai whimpered pathetically. Volise turned and strolled out of the pink room before turning with a dark expression.

"If you don't come down before the party starts, you will be looked down upon my people," Volise slammed the door shut. No one knew the existence of the second  princess until the eavesdrop of a maid's gossip about her which spread across the whole village. They concluded that is why the king and queen ditched many of their duties as well as raising the tax to buy things for her. Luckily, Volise lowered the cost of the taxes so the villagers won't go against the royal family.

"This is Princess Renai! The succeeder of the throne!" the king announced earning gasps from everyone. Their faces were pure hatred. The twins have their hands on the oldest daughter as she scrutinised everyone's reaction. Most of the kind villagers glanced towards Volise sympathetically.

"We really should kill her. When to strike?" they whispered. Volise smirked darkly shaking her head.

"I have a better idea. We'll watch the fall of this village and their power whilst making out own village to rule over. So when the fall of this village happens, the princess will have no where to go," Volise hissed wickedly. The twins brightened at the idea.

"Of course," they jinxed. After the announcement of Renai as the inheritor many rash men chase after her. Finding it easy as she is sheltered and an easy target. Volise became worried about the result of one of the men wedding Renai before taking the power by force and ruining the village's strong structure as it had slowly grown weak after the disgrace's birth. She hope someone wise will take over the throne instead. During the party, a young man attempted to talk to Renai. Renai ignored him glancing at her sister for help as he is boring. Volise ignored her and helped a young child getting up after his fall and helping him carry the snacks to his parents. 

"Young man. You are to be punished for harassing our succeeder," the king glared down at the poor villager as he protested. 

"He wasn't harassing her. He was merely trying to discuss with her the plans of her future which she found boring," Volise interrupted stalking into the room with her friends beside her. The king scowled.

"And you weren't helping her!" he roared. Volise barely flinched.

"The villager I was helping is much more important than her problem. She was just being disrespectful," Volise spoke cooly. The queen scoffed.

"Well, we don't care. To keep her safety. She will marry the twins," the queen announced. The twins beside Volise made a disgusted face refusing the proposal whilst Renai blushed and beamed happily. Her crush on the twins is disgusting.

"You must!" The king shouted. Volise rolled her eyes.

"They're my friends. They aren't an object. It's your problem that she is so weak," Volise sneered. Angered at the way his eldest was talking to him, the king immediately rose.

"I am the king!" he raised his voice. Volise crossed her arms.

"You aren't the king to me anyways. Since you ditched many of your duties instead of focusing on your kingdom leaving me to pick up your pieces and the shards of your kingdom," Volise rebuked. Her voice very frosty. 

"Right. Renai is the one getting the throne. You're the threat," the king snapped harshly. Volise couldn't help but feel slightly hurt.

"Right. So she can drive the powerful lineage into a wall and ruin your image. Congratu-fricking-lations father. She might as well elope," Volise replied sarcastically. The king ignored his eldest and turned to the villager on his knees.

"We'll punish you. Guards-"

"I'll take him away," Volise cut her father off smoothly. The king narrowed his eyes and rolled his shoulders back.

"Take him away so we'll never see his face," her father ordered.

"Gladly," Volise shrugged carelessly. The twins took the man out of the castle where his family crowded worriedly. The twins let him go. 

"Right. Pack your bags. We're taking the horses," Volise ordered. The family scurried off and returned with their essentials in the bags. A huge carriage appeared and the horses tilted their heads in submission towards Volise who patted them.

"Let's go," everyone piled into the carriage as they headed towards Ivitika. The thing about the village that Volise learnt was that the villagers were fleeing from the stone figures who were merely there to protect the villagers. Soon the years flew by and most of the nice villagers left to Ivitika. Phealleriel slowly crumbled due to the terrible ruling by Renai. The villagers scattered whilst Renai beg to enter some of the other villagers which they refused. Shortly after, the Pesks found the helpless princess and killed her. They took over the old barn where they found her. To this day, they live there following the orders of the vile lord.


Wew. This chapter is slightly interesting. The Demise of Phealleriel. We might meet Volise soon!

1297 words.

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