C H A P T E R 7

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Marinietta's Journal

If there is one wish that I wish to have. It would be to unsee the undone. But what I learnt is that you cannot undo the past. Only those strange creatures. They keep asking what I am. Are they aliens? I'm a human.. But what I just saw is disturbing. They, I thought were humans actually turned to strange creatures only I see in fairytales. They are dangerous. Now, I'm slowly making the best association in the world to rid them. My love's brother and cousin are those strange creatures. I don't think my love is. I need to leave him to protect him and find out what those so-called family called. I'm not as innocent and naïve as they think I am. I am here to protect my people and my love. But what is my love hiding? Oh. My. Gosh. I forgot to tell you diary. My love's name is Gruff. He's a sweetheart. I love him with my life. But I fear that I will suffer if I find him hiding something strong from me. This new world is unusual. He keeps me by his side. Every. Single. Time. To protect me he says. But it will be me protecting him. He knows when I lie and stuff like that. I miss my deceased family not my abusive uncle. He took me from them to protect my relatives. I have no idea why he is so protective. Right now. I'm writing to you when he's sleeping on the bed beside me. I'm in his room. He's making my room in the secret door hidden behind the mirror in his office. So sweet of him. He's a magician. So sweet and protective. He is also a bartender. I'm spooked at how brave and courageous he is. He is so handsome. I bet all the girls in my school would be so jealous of me. They always bully me. But my love protects me and stops them from doing that. I can't live without him. That is why I am doing my best to protect him. He showers me with all the love in the world and treats me like a queen not like those bullies in my school. He's so darling. He calls me his love. I feel so treasured and secure. Some strange men were eyeing me with disgust but my love came to the rescue. A very sweetheart. I love him.

Now before I got side-tracked by talking about my love. I saw 'them'. They turned to menacing wolves. I fear they would eat us up. Some girls I saw were prettier than me of sooo much. I'm so jealous. I wish I was like them. They look angelic and special. The group saw me. The boys were so attractive. They laughed and whispered something about me being ugly human who thinks she is better or equal like us and not better than the rest of the human. I'm very confused and angry. How dare they. I approached them yelled at them. They laughed at me and one shove, I was on the ground. Then said I was pathetic and how it was impossible that my love loves me. They decided he was faking it and walked off to a girl with a crown and disappeared. It's like everyone are magicians. Or maybe they are fairy-tale people. We used to believe fairies are real and all those things. Including Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. I asked my love about that but he smiles and say Easter bunnies and Santa Claus are fake here. I have no idea. But then I met a young girl. She has brown hair and orange streak hair with orangey fiery eyes. When she saw me, she turned and left with a boy who I did not see his features. When everyone saw me. They leave. I feel rejected and like an outcast. Tonight, I hear howls. The moon is so beautiful and full. I swear I saw red eyes. I blinked and they were gone. I swear this world is haunted. Gruff, my love says that this is how his world is. So different than mine. 

How we got here was hauntingly strange. He told me to close my eyes. I did. Lights enveloped us and darkness soon took over. I felt the wind, the sound of oceans and trees blowing. Then he told me to open my eyes. Everything was enchanting and beautiful. I was shocked. Some were like the beauty on earth. But some were more beautiful. I can't believe my eyes. My love only smiled at me and took me through. He said I was beautiful. My golden locks tumbling down my shoulders and my sea blue eyes that light up. I blushed. He was so sweet. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and led me through the beautiful path filled with people. Most of them stared at me as I passed by and some stopped to sneer. I was depressed. I thought I would experience new things without hatred from anyone. Seems like I'm easy to hate. But I decided to still smile through my pain. Gruff's brown eyes were warm and welcoming. His face was sharp and defined. Making him look almost rugged. I was surprised no girls tried to get to be with him. Everyone respected each other. There were no brats or those who throw themselves at people. They were respectful well except to humans? I was surprised. They also weren't racist, sexist and other things. They accepted everyone. Except humans..... Well most I guess. I saw a girl who seemed to be like humans in my world. And guess what. She really is. They treated her right. She was the only one who treated me right. She told me they treat me bad because I seem to be the one who always whine and demand lots of stuff and ask too much unnecessary questions. I was pained. They are right.

I guess this is how much I'll write in you my darling journal. Gruff will wake up soon. 


~Marinietta Gofron


How do you like this part 1 of Marinietta's journal? Somehow, I don't like her. Lol.

1041 words.

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