A Month Later

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One month later



Knock knock knock


Knock knock knock


Knock knock knock


“Come in,” I said from my bed and Derek and Phil ran in and sat at the bottom of my bed.

“What’s this?” Phil asked as he held up his iPad.

“Well,” I said simply, “That is a picture of me with One Direction.”

“You know them!” Derek demanded.

“I lived with them.”

“What!” they both screamed.

“Shhhhhhhh, you’re going to wake Danny.”

“Britt, we all know that that baby would wake up if a bomb went off outside,” Phil said.

“And that is because he spent the first few months of his life by screaming fans,” I explained.

“Did you live with them?” Derek asked.

“Who do you think I ran away from?”

“Wait, you’re the mother of One Directions baby?”

“Well, I probably should have told you this a while ago, but Danny isn’t my son.”

“What!” they both screamed again.

“He was dropped at our door step when he was less than a month old. He turned out to be one of the boy’s kid, so we started to raise him. They know I have Danny now, and I’m sure they know where I am, so they can come and get him whenever.”

“As long as secrets are coming out,” Phil said. “I’m not gay.”

What!” I replied in fake shock. “I didn’t know that!”

“You knew?” Derek asked.

“I’m friends with his girlfriend!”

“Oh,” Phil muttered. “That might give it away.”

“Yeah, it might.”

“So, how has your day been?” Derek asked, changing the subject.

“Oh, you know, pretty good. Except for the fact that I think I might be pregnant.”

“What!” they both screamed.

“Yep,” I said casually.

“Why do you think that?” Derek asked.

“Well, because of this,” I said and walked to my bathroom. I picked up the pregnancy tests and showed them to them.

“They can always be wrong,” Phil said.

“Well, the fact that three test were all positive, I’ve been throwing up and the fact that I haven’t had my period in a month and a half makes me pretty sure that I’m going to have a baby.”

“Do you know who the dad is?” Phil asked.

When I didn’t answer, Derek added, “You don’t think that it’s one of those guys, do you?”

I felt tears in my eyes and the boys came to hug me. “Is there anyone else who it could have been?” Phil asked sweetly.

“Yeah,” I replied through my tears.

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