Breakfast with Niall

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The next day Mum and Bobby left for Florida for their honey moon. After Niall and I told them goodbye at the airport, we went to get some breakfast. We hopped into my 2004 black Dodge Durango and headed to a nearby diner.

"I'll have two eggs over easy, blueberry pancakes, strawberry waffles, hash browns, a side of bacon, and two sides of sausage links," Niall said to the waiter.

"And for you mam?" she said to me.

"I'll have the French Toast," I told her and we handed her our menu's.

"Your order will be right out," she said and walked away.

"Holy crap Niall, how much can you eat?"

"A lot," he replied and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"At least your honest," I told him.

"FYI, in the back corner over there," Niall made a suddle movement with his head to the area that he was talking about, "is Phil. He's one of the paparazzi that is in charge of following me around."

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"Yeah, and me being here with a mysterious girl is probably already on twitter," he said and pulled out his phone. "Yep, I was right. Girls keep tweeting me things like, 'who are you with,' 'is she your girlfriend,' and things like that. Oh, and here's a picture," Niall said and showed me his phone. There was a picture up of the waiter taking our orders.

"That was fast," I told him.

"It always is," Niall said.

"Niall," I heard someone said and Niall turned towards them.

There was this really big dude standing there with Phil right beside him.

"Mate, it's okay. Phil can come talk to us," Niall said to the big guy. The guys then went back to sitting in the booth that was right behind us. "Ask," Niall said to Phil.

"Who is she?" Phil said and gestured to me.

"She's Brittany," Niall replied.

"What's her last name?"

"Why don't you ask her, she's sitting right there," Niall said.

"What's your last name?" Phil asked me.

"Tom, Brittany Tom," I told him.

"Are you a fan of One Direction?"


"Do you have a favorite member of One Direction?"

"Well, their all my favorite, but Niall's my favorite."

"That makes no since," Niall said to me.

"It's a fangirl thing, you wouldn't understand," I told him.

"Are you too dating?" Phil asked.

I didn't know how to respond, so I'm glad that Niall said something.

"Can you do me a favor?" Niall asked Phil.


"Take a picture then leave."

"Smile," he said, and then lifted up his camera and took a picture then the walked away.

"That was weird," I told Niall.

"Phil is a relatively nice paparazzi guy, but they can be very aggressive. That why I have James with me," he said and pointed over his shoulder to where James sat.

"Oh, okay," I said.

All of a sudden, a fourteenish year old girl walks up.

"Oh my god. Um hi, I'm Jane, can I have a picture with you?" she said to Niall. Her hands were shaking and I could tell that she was freaking out.

"Sure love," Niall said to her and she got her phone out.

"Can you take it?" she asked me.

"Of course," I said with a smile on my face and I took her phone. She slid into the booth with Niall and he threw his arm around her. "Okay, three, two, one," *click click click*, I took three pictures.

"Thank you so much!" she said and then gave Niall a hug. When I handed her back her phone, she gave me a hug too. "You must be the mysterious girl that Niall keeps being seen with," she said.

"That I am," I told her.

"Oh my god, that's so cool."

"Jane!" someone shouted from the front of the diner.

"That's my mum, I gotta go, bye!" she said.

"Bye," Niall and I told her as she walked away.

"Well, that was cool," I said to Niall.

"Yeah, the boys and I love fans like that. It's awesome when they don't yell and scream and chase us," he said and I laughed.

"It must be awesome to be famous."

"Not all the time. We never really have any privacy."

"That would suck."

"It does. But just so you know, your now hanging out with One Direction. Which means that you're going to start losing your privacy."


"Here your food," the waiter said and she sat down our food.

"Thank you," we both said, and we dug in.

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