The Coffee House

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Before I got into the shower, I took off my phone case and grabbed my pencil sharpener blade.

I stripped down, got into the shower, turned on the water, put the blade to my stomach and then to my thigh, and started to cut.

I know, I know. It might sound weird that I'm cutting my stomach, and not my wrist, but I don't want anyone to know about what I do.

The people who cut their wrists are going to get caught because it's hard to hide something that's not covered with clothes. The people who cut other places have a smaller chance of getting caught.

With every cut, I watched as the blood slowly poured from it, them wash away down the drain. My mind was blank and the only thing i could focus on was the blood.

I wasn't sure how many times I did it, but after the blood was done falling, I started to wash my hair and the shampoo stung the open wounds.

Once I was done in the shower, I got out, and grabbed a towel so I could dry off and get ready.

After forty-five minutes, I was done. I checked the time and saw that it was ten ten.

"Shit," I muttered, and walked downstairs.

"So, your alive," Louis said from the couch, and Harry and Liam laughed.

"Good morning," I said and they said it back to me.

"Hey, is there any way that someone could drive me to a coffee place," I said.

"Sure," Louis said, "I'll take you."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Don't you want any breakfast!" Harry yelled from the kitchen.

"No thanks, I'm going out with some friends."

"Is one of them Jake?" Louis asked.

"Who's Jake?" Liam asked.

"No one," I said, and grabbed Louis's and pulled him out the door before I could be questioned any farther.












Five minutes later, I was at the Coffee House that Meghan and I usually go every Sunday, and are sometime joined by more people.

I had a feeling like there was going to be more than just Meghan and I there today.

I saw Meghan sitting at our table near the back, and headed over to her.

"Hey," she said.


"I ordered you the usual," she told me.


"So, who the hell is your boy friend!" Meghan practically screamed.

"Yeah, who is it? I really want to know!" Aspen said, as her and Lyndsey sat down at the table with us.

"Hey," I said.

"Yo Britt," they said back.

"But seriously, who is it?" Greg, the waiter, said as he put our coffee's and muffins on the table, and then sat down with us.

"His name is Niall, and he isn't my boyfriend," I told them.

"Is he cute?" Aspen asked.

"Super," I said.

"What's he like?" Greg asked.

"He's really sweet," I told him.

"Does he have a good looking gay friend?" he asked in a serious tone.

"Two of them might be gay, but they haven't admitted it yet," I joked.

"I'll make them tell me," Greg said with a mischievous smile on his face, and we all laughed.

"When can we meet him?" Meghan asked.

"I don't know, I'll ask him if he wants to come here," I said, and pulled out my phone. And dialed Niall, but no one picked up. I then called Harry.

"Hello?" he answered on the second ring.

"Hey," I said.

"What's up Brittany?" He asked.

"Well, I was wondering where Niall was."

"Still sleeping," he told me.

"Oh, okay."


"Well, I wanted him to meet my friends."

"Where are you? Louis and I can go instead!" he shouted.

"I'm at the Coffee House on Harrison," I told him.

"Okay, we'll be there in five minutes. Don't tell them that we know you, okay? We're going to have a little fun." I could practically hear Harry's evil smile on his face, but I said nothing.

"See yeah," I said.

"Bye," he said, and I hung up.

'Oh god,' I thought to myself. 'What on Earth was he planning?'




Picture of Aspen to the side!




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