My Surprise

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When I walked through the flat door on Thursday, I was in shock.

"Did you guys do it all by yourselves?"

I asked the boys. Niall, Harry, and Liam were standing by the front door waiting to hug me, and Louis was behind me with my suit case.

"Yes," all of them said and nodded.

"Well," Liam added, "we did have a little help from a cleaning company."

"Honestly, I was expecting there to be blood and food everywhere," I told them and they all laughed and hugged me. Then I noticed something was off. "Wait, where's Zayn?"

"Well, Perrie is here, so where do you think they are?" Niall asked and pointed to the celling.

"Are they behaving themselves?" I asked.

"Let's play the fun game of, 'how quickly do they exit the room!'" Harry suggested.

"ZAYN! PERRIE! BRITTANY'S HOME!" Louis screamed. About twenty seconds later, Zayn and Perrie were out of the room and running down the stairs.

Harry walked around them and stroked his chin. "From the time and appearance, it can be concluded that they were not past second base," he announced proudly and Zayn and Perrie shared a look of horror.

"Well hello there, I'm Brittany," I said and held my hand out to Perrie, changing the subject.

"Hi, I'm Perrie," she replied with a smile as she shook my hand. "I'm sorry that I look like this."

"It's fine. You look great," I told her.

"Really? Thanks. Your-." Louis cut her off.

"Stop the girlie talk and go get unpacked." Louis started to shove me towards the stairs.

After I walked up them, I opened my bed room door and gasped.





"PUPPY!" I screamed and ran (not really ran, I had this annoying boot on) to my bed and sat by the adorable puppy and started to play with it.

Liam, Niall and Harry were in my doorway. Zayn and Perrie went back to Zayn's room, and Louis was pulling my suitcase up the steps.

"Actually, it's not a puppy. It's one year old," Niall informed me and I gave him a look of confusion.

"It's a Golden Cocker Retriever," Harry said, but I was still confused.

"It's a Forever Puppy," Louis said as he pulled my suitcase into the room.

My eyes got wide. "She's a Forever Puppy?" I asked them in shock.

"Yeah," Liam told me.

"I love you guys."

"We know, and we love you too," Niall said.

"What's her name?"

"Well, her original owners were huge Whovians," Liam started.

"And they really liked this one female character," Harry continued.

"We only get to see her a few time," Niall added.

"So, what do you think her name is?" Louis finished.

I thought for a moment as I pet the dogs ear. "Well, since we've only seen her a few times, it can't be one of the Doctors companions...So I've narrowed it done to three people. Madame Kovarian," I said and the boys shook their heads. "Madame Vastra." Boys shook their heads. "River Song."

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