Eighteen Concerts Later

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Eighteen Concerts Later 


A month later, we were still in England. All of the boy's family had already come and visited us.

Mrs. Cox was ecstatic to see her first grandchild, but Harry's sister, Gemma, slapped him on the back of the head, call him a 'curly haired twat' and then went to hold her nephew.

When the Malik family came, Zayn got a hug from his mum and dad, then his sisters ran up and mess up his hair, but that didn't really dampen his mood. He just ran away screaming, 'Dont look at me!' and came back a minute or so later with his hair in place again and continued on like it had never happened.

Liam's sisters weren't able to make it, but Liam was still a happy little boy when he saw his mum and dad sitting on the couch back stage waiting for him when the concert was over.

The Tomlinson's were a loud group. Lou practically peed himself when his four sisters ran on stage during their last song and then pulled him off when it was over.

When Mum and Bob came, Niall and I ran up to them and squished the air out them. Melody came with them, and I cried when I had to tell her goodbye. I wasn't really going to miss my mum, but I was going to miss that dog.

Today, it was the concert that my friends were going to. After the opening act was done, I gave the group of four twenty minutes before I went and knocked on their dressing room door.

"Who is it?" Conner shouted.

"It's your favorite person!" I yelled back.

"Sure Amy, come in," Emmett replied and I heard him chuckle. I shook my head and opened the door.

"Hello," I said once I saw them sprawled across their dressing room.

"Hello Love," Eli replied and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"I was wondering if I could borrow you for, like, thirty minutes," I told him.

"Of course," he replied with a smile. "But I feel like I should ask what you need me for."

"Some of my friends are here, and I wanted to surprise them."

"Okay, let's go," he said and walked out of the room.

"Bye," I told everyone.

"Bye," they replied and I shut the door. 












"Why do I have to wear this?" Eli complained and he scratched at the wig on his head.

"Well, it may be because less than an hour ago, you got on stage in front of all the people you are now walking by, and I really don't want to have to run away from crazed fan in a place filled with crazed fans," I explained.

"No one would recognize me, I'm not famous."

"You're on your way to be."

"But still, they wouldn't recognize me."

"They would recognize me if I took my wig and sunglasses off," I told him as I gestured towards the long black wig that was sitting on my head and the huge sunglasses that were on my face. "And I'm not even famous. I just hang around famous people."

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