Don't You Just Love Family?

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I just laid there in shock for the next few minutes thinking and trying to to freak out

Holy shit. I'm going to be living with One Direction. Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik were about to be living in the same house as me. Once again, holy shit. I knew that I should be fangirling, and I was silently, but- my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said loudly. Niall walked through the door, shut it behind him, and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello," I replied, and sat up.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to fuck with the paparazzi." There was a wicked grin on his face.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, we could pretend to be best friends, or dating, or whatever."

"Dating?" I asked confused.

"Only if you want to be," Niall said defensively, putting his hands up.

"Won't everyone know that were step siblings?"

"Actually, no. Not for a little while. Our parents don't want that to get out, otherwise it would make their lives more complicated than it already is because people would try and crash the wedding."

"Well, what would dating you imply?"

"Okay, since we're going to be bro and sis, it would just be, like, well, a really close brother sister bond."

"Which means?"

"Hugging, arms around each other, holding hands, and kisses on foreheads and cheeks, and a few 'dates'. We would never clarify if were dating or not, but eventually we would say that were not, and that were just family. But, be warned, you might get some hate. Okay, actually, there shouldn't be a 'might' in that sentence, because you will."

"Ummmmm, well," I said, thinking.

"Ummmmm, well, what?" Niall asked.

"What the hell. Sure." I said.

"Really?" Niall asked seeming shocked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"I didn't think that you would go for that. I thought that you would be freaked out by your brother asking you to fake date him."

"People have asked me to do weirder things for them," I said honestly.

"Really?" Niall asked sounding confused, "Like what?"

"Not going to tell you."











"Dear god women, just tell me?!"


"Fine," Niall said, giving up as walking to the door. "I'll be back in a second," he said. Then he winked and walked out the door.

Less than a minute later, I had five teenage boys jumping on the bed I was sitting on screaming, "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!"

"How did I not see this coming?!?" I yelled, and mentally face palmed.

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