Her Scent

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When Dylan sent Elaina and Casey off after the news of Willis' possible sighting, he gave someone else a call, Calvin.

Dylan caught Calvin up on everything that has happened during the time Elaina and Calvin didn't talk.

"So what, Elaina went out there by herself then?"

Dylan, "She went with Casey, but haven't heard news about it being Willis out there or not. We're just waiting and prepping for now."

Calvin rubs his face in frustration and sighs. Dylan can feel the stress Calvin's in and decides to speak his mind.

"Hey Cal, don't be too stressed about Elaina man. I know it's not really my place to say these kind of things, but she's had it rough and it's been eating at her for years. Since she was young, so she can be a bit reckless and I know unapologetic most times,but it's all with good intentions. She doesn't mean to hurt anyone, she thinks she should carry 100 times the burden of any situation since she's a female alpha. She was raised and bred like that so that stuck to how she is as a person now. I know it's hard, but she's getting there. She's overcoming her pains and trauma and she's even socializing and even leaning on some us in the pack now."

Calvin sprawls out on his end as he listens, "I know. It's not really anyone's fault, but why the fuck am I taking advice from you?"

Dylan laughed, "Right, that's what I'm saying!"

"I never even cared about finding a mate, but something changed when I found out it was Elaina. I knew it was going to be hard, but this is just too damn much."

Dylan clicks his tongue in disinterest. "I can't say much there dude, but all I'm gonna say is she's trying now and I think if you fly out to where she is as well, maybe you guys can patch things up from whatever happened last time. That's all I'm saying man."

Calvin sits up and looks at his watch. He sighs and gets off the bed, "In that case, send me their location. I'll check in on them and see where it goes from there."

Dylan grins from the other side of the line, "You bet'cha big guy. And good luck, hope all goes well this time."

They end the call and Calvin starts packing up. Reese gets called over and takes care of everything, but as they arrive at the airport he wasn't looking too good.

"You sure about this boss?"

Calvin plays with his phone thinking the same. He doesn't answer Reese and boards onto the plane.

"Good luck! And don't be too hard on yourself! I'll make sure not to burn shit down while you're away," as he chuckles.

Calvin waves and heads in, "I'll give you a call if we need backup. Prepare yourselves."


Calvin arrives in Colorado after a few hours. He takes a taxi to where Elaina and Casey are residing and arrives a little around midnight. Upon his arrival after a long drive he notices that no one was around.

Taxi driver, "You sure this the right place sir?"

Calvin steps out after paying, "I believe so, thank you."

He heads in as the taxi drives away, now left in complete darkness and stillness. Luckily his vision works well at night, but the question is, how will he get in. Calvin walks around and finally decides to pick the lock. He does so and welcomes himself into the cabin.

He examines the interior of the cabin and walks around. He smells Elaina and the other most likely Casey so he knows he's in the right place. He makes his way upstairs leaving his bag on the living room couch.

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