She's Back

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After the news of Willis escaping, both packs are hard at work trying to find his location. Nina has been out for long periods of time again digging for some information. She has been contacting Casey as well, working together to find anything they can.

Calvin has been busy going back to his alpha duties and keeping tabs on Willis' case. He only got 2 updates from Dylan since they went back and haven't heard anything since. Calvin was getting worried since it's been a week and a half and Elaina hasn't contacted him yet. Neither is Dylan saying anything so Calvin decides to give them a call. Elaina doesn't pick up so he tries Dylan.

After a few rings, "Dylan speaking."

"Hey, it's Calvin. Haven't heard from you guys in awhile so I wanted to check in. How're things going, anything yet?"

Dylan stays silent on the other side for awhile and finally spoke up.

"Yeah, not much on our end either. We got about a dozen of our pack working on this case so hopefully we get something soon. Sorry for not updating you on things, it's been kinda hectic over here."

"Oh really? Are things not going well? How about Elaina. Haven't heard from her since that night."

Another long silence from Dylan. Then Calvin hears a sigh from him.

"Hey alpha... look, I wasn't going to say anything, but since you're her mate I think you need to know. We've been suffering as well so I think it's about time we tell you."

Calvin gets a little nervous at that statement. Dylan sounds pretty serious so that didn't help any.

"Yeah, sure. What's up? Throw it at me. Is something wrong?"

"It's Elaina... I think you need to come down here and see for yourself. She just hasn't been the same and in all honesty, we need her the most during this time. That's probably why we're all stressing out here. So I think maybe you can help with it or something."

Calvin takes a minute to think what might be wrong. Did she have after effects of the trigger episode she had? What could it be? Worried, Calvin agrees to go down to visit.

"Right, I'll take the first flight out then. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Great. Thanks Calvin. I'll have someone meet you there, see you soon."

Calvin sighs as he hangs up and looks up to the sky.

Ah, guess I'm visiting her pack again. Here we go, Texas.


Calvin arrives in Texas the next day and is greeted by Elaina's delta Logan.

"Hello there alpha! Welcome back to the small southern pack! It's been awhile," as he gives Calvin a casual fist shake and bumps shoulders.

"We've been waiting for you man. Every men here is going crazy and we're trying really hard to hold back, so we're glad you're finally here."

Calvin cocks his brow, "What do you mean everyone's going crazy? Is Elaina not taking good care of the pack since her return?"

Logan thins his lips together and looks afar. "Yeah, that's the thing, things haven't been the same since her return so we're trying to deal with that."

Logan claps Calvin on the shoulder and leads him to the car. "Look, you'll know once we get there so let's not stall any longer. Let's get moving!"

That being said they set off to the territory. Calvin has no idea what's coming his way. After a long drive they finally arrive. Logan stops the car at the main pack house and they both get out. Logan turns around to say something to Calvin, but that's when it hit Calvin hard.

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