A Fierce Fight

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Calvin was confused. He cock his head slightly to the side like a lost puppy. Elaina. Has no control over her wolf? That makes no sense.

"Wait... explain that again?"

Dylan thins his lips together and patiently said it again. "To put it simply, Elaina and her wolf are both pretty stubborn. It's not like she doesn't have control over her wolf, it's just hard for her and her wolf to get along sometimes."

Calvin nods his head slowly like he understands. "Okay... so it's not that bad then."

"Well, it's not that bad, unless her wolf starts acting up. I haven't seen this personally, but I heard Elaina shifted quite early at a young age and went through some traumatic trials, which can be why she has trouble shifting back and forth. That's probably why we never really see her shift unless she knows she has full control over her wolf."

Calvin thought back about what happened to her as she spaced out earlier on the ground.

"Great. I guess I'll just go find her, make sure she's sane and we'll meet up."

"Yeah, sounds good to me. I'll head with my crew to the hospital first for the girls, deal with Willis and head on over. Please alpha Calvin, make sure you bring our alpha back."

Calvin nods and they go their separate ways. Calvin waited until everyone was gone before he headed towards the forest.

Elaina has issues with her wolf form huh? Who would've thought, is that why she was always so reluctant to shift and be around me?

Calvin shifts into his wolf and in he enters the forest. It was already dark by now so only the light of the moon trickles through the forest, a full moon. Calvin made a run for it around the forest, which was bigger than it looked. He can smell Elaina's scent so he follows it to where she might be.

After treading for awhile Calvin comes to a stop. The scent stopped around where he currently, which means Elaina's close by. Calvin looks around, but don't see or hear her, where could she be? As he continues a little further in the corner of his eyes a shadow to his left caught his attention. Calvin stops and growls to see who it was, it was Elaina.

Elaina, still in her wolf form stands still at the top of a small hill, surrounded by broken branches and large willow trees. The full moon lighting up behind her basking her in shadows, darkening her already jet black fur. The only thing Calvin can really see are her glowing silver eyes. They're full of malice and insanity.

For the first time in his life, Calvin feels terrified, or more cautious than he ever felt. Neither Calvin or Elaina moves, but then after awhile Calvin decides to take a step forward and quietly growl, letting Elaina know he's of no harm.

Elaina perches forward eyeing Calvin like a predator, stalking forward slowly, but at that moment howls towards the canopy of the forest shaking the still earth around them. She looks down at Calvin and starts growling viciously, like an untamed beast. Then she starts making a move for it, Elaina starts sprinting down the hill towards Calvin at top speed.

Calvin stands at the bottom of the hill and await for Elaina. Of course she would come running, being mates and all, but then.... as Elaina comes closer Calvin sees that she's no regular wolf. She's acting disordered, murderous, and rogue-like.

What the fuck is going on?! Does she not recognize me?

Just as she's coming down Calvin was about to dodge Elaina coming at him at top speed, but reacted too late. Elaina jumped halfway down the hill and lands right on top of Calvin, throwing him back with the impact. He slams into a big tree and falls to the ground. Calvin, being natural as to how he should react, did exactly so. He attacked back, fending for himself and his pride as alpha.

Calvin snaps back and jumps at Elaina as well. Elaina ducks low and headbutt him from below as he jumps over her. Elaina then snapped up trying to grab hold of one of Calvin's back paws, but caught the end of his tail instead. He let's out a loud growl in annoyance and surprise.

Calvin stumbles in his landing, but managed to turn around in time as Elaina jumps at him. Calvin moves to the side and pounces on Elaina as she jumps pass him. Calvin now has one of his front paw on Elaina's neck, keeping her in place as she tries to free herself from under him. Calvin growls and snaps at Elaina in warning for her to stop. Elaina does not heed to the warning.

Instead Elaina growls back and thrashes back and forth under Calvin. She then stretches her neck far enough to have Calvin's wrist in her mouth. She was about to snap down when Calvin pulls himself back, repulsed by her actions.

She's fucken crazy! This must be the wolf, no wonder Elaina can't control her! Holy shit!

This angers Calvin, she's practically a threat at this point. As Elaina gets back on all fours, Calvin circles around her, watching and studying her every move. He growls for her to shift back, Elaina's wolf doesn't listen. She shakes her head as if fighting herself and growls sluggishly.

Calvin moves forward and Elaina perks up with the slight movement. She bares her canines and attacks Calvin again. Having enough of it, Calvin decides that the only way to get Elaina to shift was to attack and stop her somehow. As Elaina snaps forward, Calvin slams her to the side really hard with his front paws and stomps on top of her. Then he did the only thing he can think of, he was going to bite her neck to get her to stop, to show who's in charge.

Calvin gets ready to bite her neck, but just as he was about to he sees the panic in Elaina's eyes. Too late now, following through with his action, Elaina moves slightly so he ends up biting her shoulder instead. Elaina howls at the pain and goes limp after thrashing a bit, breathing heavily and fiercely. Calvin waits a few seconds and as predicted, Elaina shifts back into human form.

Calvin shifts back as well and crouches next to Elaina, who's laying on the ground unkempt and frazzled. As Calvin was about to help Elaina up, she catches him off guard and grabs him by the neck. Calvin is shocked.

He growls in anger, "What are you doing? Let go of me Elaina."

Elaina gets on her feet and slowly gets up, bringing Calvin with her. Fortunately for Calvin, he was a head taller so Elaina was in a weird position. Calvin then puts his hand around her wrist and squeezes it, slowly trying to remove her hand.

He growls, "Move your hand Elaina, you're not really harming me anyway, it's not working."

Elaina's eyes, still flickering between her slate grey to silver, just kept holding on and growling. Then there was a loud snap from a twig to their right and both alphas stand alerted. Calvin turns and see other werewolves, but he doesn't recognize who they are. Then a caramel brown wolf with caramel gold eyes comes out of the shadow and shifts. It was Dylan.

"You guys were taking awhile so we came by to check and make sure you weren't dead. Sorry to interrupt the...," he gestures to the situation, "intimate moment?"

Calvin shrugs, "I guess it would look like that if she didn't have her hand around my neck, but yes, Elaina's here, but... not fully here."

Elaina looks over her arm and glares at Dylan and the pack, but didn't say anything. Dylan waves at her hoping she recognizes him at least. Her eyes then stopped flickering and she looks up at Calvin and her hand around his neck. Like she's surprised at the threat, Elaina slowly lets go and looks down at her hands. A moment of silence, Elaina finally came back to her senses.

"Did I kill anyone? Anyone that was innocent?"

Calvin shakes his head no. Elaina has a look of pain in her eyes, but she didn't let it show for too long. She nods her head in acknowledgement and turns towards Dylan and her pack. She walks towards them and some of them shifts back into their wolf forms and led the way. Dylan gives Calvin a nod of thanks and shifts as well.

Calvin stood in the dark alone for a few minutes before he made his way behind Elaina's pack. Calvin had a lot of thoughts during his way back and a lot of questions he wanted to ask Elaina.

One thing he knows for sure after the whole incident was that, Elaina might not be okay.

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