Taking Charge

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Calvin laughs half-heartedly as Elaina comes into realization.

"That might be a reason why. I'm sorry, but that was the only way to put you out."

Elaina keeps quiet and just continues to look outside. Still curious Calvin couldn't hold it back and continues to pry to get information out of her.

"So does it happen often? Is this something I'll need to be aware of once we mate?"

Elaina throws a side glance, "No, you don't need to worry about it. Stay out of it Calvin, it's none of your business."

Calvin clears his throat. "Really Elaina, it caught me by surprise and if there's anything I need to know for the future, tell me now."

Elaina sighs staring out far, "It's not anything you can handle Calvin. It's my inner demon I have to put a leash on, no one else's to touch."

It went pretty deep so Calvin let it be. He figures he can ask Dylan or someone else instead. The drive was soon coming to an end as Calvin pulls up to his personal house. Outside they're greeted by Reese and Nina.

Reese approaches with a wide arm for a hug, Calvin side steps towards the door. Reese pouts his lips and follows Calvin in.

"So, how did it go? Didn't expect the delay since you guys decided to lay off somewhere halfway."

Calvin massages his tense shoulders, "We do whatever we want to do Reese. You wouldn't understand, that place drained every energy and life out of us, especially Elaina. She had to deal with the big boy," smirking.

Elaina plops onto the couch in Calvin's office, "Ugh! Don't even remind me of him. I can still feel his wet lips on the back of my hand," as Elaina waves her hand around disgusted.

Nina grins, "Maybe that's just how alluring and delicious you are Alpha," jokingly.

Elaina bends up a little to catch Nina's eyes and snarls. Nina gives a quick blink away and goes right into business.

"So, what's the plan? I did some digging and from the information you two collected, this Saturday they're holding another event where they make the payment and collect their prize. If anything, it seems like a laidback gathering to chitchat before they receive their package."

Calvin answers, "I'm surprised it's working out this way, but I believe they hold the payment a week after in order to allow the bidders time to rack up some cash. Seems like it's cash only."

From behind the couch, Elaina, "I suggest we also bundle some cash and use it as decoy. Before any of the money or prizes gets sent out we need to stop them in their operation. We need to get every single one of those sleezebags who bought a bid to pay for it."

Calvin, "Then what do you suggest Elaina?"

Elaina sits up grinning devilishly, "Well Alpha, remember the fun we had during our first mission together?"

Calvin's brows raises at her throwback and his lips thin into a line. He starts shaking his head side to side slowly, "It better not be what I'm thinking Elaina."

Elaina cocks a brow with a mischievous smirk, "Oh you know Calvin, how we like to have fun," she then hops off the couch and runs out the room skipping in her steps.

Calvin pounds his desk and yells, "NO! We are not doing something like that again Alpha Elaina!"

Both Nina and Reese caught in shock and surprise just stares at their Alpha, not sure how to respond. Waiting for a response.

Calvin puts his head in his palms, "She's going to raise hell over something little. Reckless, shameless, and most of all, brutal."

Reese and Nina looks at each other and shrug in confusion as they both walk out the office, leaving Calvin to drown in his mumbling and grieving memory.


Thursday comes and they have only 2 more days to finalize all plans for Saturday's event. As Calvin has expected, Elaina is planning some grand scheme to have her fun and to capture all suspects red handed. Calvin was completely against the way she's going at it.

"Do we really have to bring up your pack to get involved in this? I have the biggest pack Elaina, we can just use my men and do things nicely."

Elaina with her legs propped up on the coffee table in the middle of the meeting room pounds her heels to the table.

"Look here Alpha. My men are more experienced with missions like this and plus, I need people I can mind link to in order to carry out this mission successfully. We have our way of doing things and you are here to help, remember?"

Calvin growls, "Well if we mated like we were supposed to in the first place, you wouldn't have that problem Alpha! I don't see why you have to take charge of it anyway when we're in my territory?! Whatever I say goes and that's the end of it!"

Elaina plays with her nails and ignore Calvin. He pounds the table cracking it and gets up in a storm leaving the room. He slams the door shut as it creaks on its broken hinges. The other people in the room, Nina, Reese, Dylan and informant Casey on the phone just stares in amusement at the Alphas banter. Elaina clicks her tongue and gives a satisfied smile as she hops off the couch.

"Well, let's resume after dinner after the big baby calms down. We have a lot to think over and plan out accordingly. Casey," Elaina grabs her phone talking to him, "I need you to do some scouting and find us an escape route through the building."

Casey, Elaina's pack informant, "Roger that Alpha. On my way to the site."

"Good," Elaina turns to Nina, "and you, I need you to scout the city near the venue to see if the vicinity is safe enough to handle our business. If not, we might have to think of a way to block out the area so we don't harm innocent lives."

Nina nods her head reluctantly as she doesn't want to take orders from another Alpha, but she couldn't resist.

Elaina goes back to her phone, "And Dylan."

"Yes Alpha."

"Get your ass in Nevada. We got shit to take care of," as she grins cockily.

Dylan chuckles at her sass, "Yes boss!"

At that cue they hang up and Elaina stalks towards the door, "We have a lot to do, get moving guys!"

Leaving the room Elaina goes to find Calvin, ready to tease him. She goes upstairs and checked his room. Not there. She goes to the kitchen downstairs, not there either. Going outside for a small stroll she runs into a pack member who's on his way to the main pack house. Elaina calls out.

"Hey kid!"

The young teenager turns around and sees Elaina. He instantly bows a little and can't look her in the eyes. Elaina approaches.

"Any idea where your Alpha went?"

The kid stutters a bit, "A-alpha? H-he went on a run."

Elaina perks her lips in surprise, "Hm... really now? Thanks for the help!"

Elaina walks towards the big forest where he'll most likely be, but Elaina hesitates. She doesn't want to show her wolf to Calvin. She doesn't want to shift in front of him, it was an intimate thing to begin with. With her guards up and avoiding the situation, Elaina just goes back to Calvin's house and starts planning their escape route.

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