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Elaina moves in closer to Calvin to help with his erection, but Calvin hops off the bed and walks towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?"

Calvin has his hand on the knob and turns around, "Why do you care? We only marked each other to get you out of your situation. That's all you wanted right?"

Elaina looks away feeling guilty for marking Calvin like that. It was definitely not intimate at all like it should be between mates. Plus, she denied him the pleasure of mating at the moment as well so she can't speak like it's nothing.

"I'm sorry alright? I just need... I just need some time okay?"

Calvin shakes his head and exits the room, "It's whatever."

Elaina, glad that she shifted back and hoping she has better control of her wolf after being marked sits in silence during the dead of the night. After the long week, she goes into one of the many guest rooms and knocks out from exhaustion.

I'll get better and then I'll consider it. We'll think about this tomorrow.

Elaina falls into deep slumber.


Elaina wakes up the next day in late afternoon with a good needed stretch and hops out of bed. She washes up and heads downstairs to see Dylan and Logan in her kitchen. They both turn their heads and welcome her with a smile.

Dylan, "ALPHA!!!! Finally, we have you back! Took you long enough!"

Elaina rolls her eyes as he claps her on back.

"Ugh, really Dylan, do you always have to be this loud? It's really too much, especially since I just woke up."

Logan chuckles, "Yep, she's back indeed. That's our alpha!"

Elaina sits down on the kitchen island and looks around, "Where's Calvin?"

Dylan takes a sip of his coffee and raises his brows, "Well.... while you slept the day away he packed his bags and went back to his territory. He said he'll catch you later, was what he said."

Elaina's astonished, "Hm... interesting. He definitely didn't seem happy so I figured that would happen."

Although not surprised, Elaina still feels bad for what she did. She looks up and sees the boys grinning at her.


"Nothing, it just seems like he wouldn't leave after doing THAT," Logan gestures at the deep red mark on her neck, "but what, did it not go well?" He snickers.

Elaina growls and pounds her fist on the counter cracking the marble. She glared intensely at Logan.

"Don't fuck around and ask dumb shit like that, it's annoying."

She gets up knocking the stool over as she stomps her way upstairs. She mindlinks Dylan and the crew.

Get ready, we're going hunting and we need to work a plan out to find Willis. We're not done with that.

Dylan and Logan instantly rushes out the door to the hunting grounds.

"Seems like she's going to shift for us all to see. You think she'll be able to do it? It's been heard since she last fully shifted in front of the pack," as Dylan looks worriedly.

Logan pats his shoulders, "It has been awhile, but if she calls for a hunt, you'd think she's able to control herself now right? Let's not worry about it and let's just believe in our alpha alright?"

They both run to gather a few more pack members for the hunt. A few minutes later everyone a group of 8 gathers around the open field waiting for Elaina. She shows up nonchalantly, but Dylan can tell she's nervous. She hasn't fully shifted in years. She stalks towards the group with confidence.

"What's up everyone? Surprised I called for a hunt after waiting for many years huh?"

A lot of the members shake their head in disbelief. Elaina grins at them and starts walking more into the open field. She turns around as they all watch her.

"Well? What y'all waiting for? Get moving, we got grounds to cover!"

The group starts hollering as they gallop towards her. She starts running faster and faster and instantly jumps into her shift, transitioning from human to wolf. Her crew follows and everyone instantly stops to admire her wolf form. Her pitch dark black fur that has a blueish luster to it and her glowing silver eyes, a bit different than her usual matte slate grey eyes. She's bigger for a female wolf, but that's because she's an alpha, but she's still a bit smaller than Dylan and Logan.

Elaina looks back and let's out the loudest and most profound howl in excitement of her shift. The pack pounce in excitement as well and howls along with their alpha, stirring up the silent fields. They make way towards their hunt that they've all been longing for.


After hours of covering their territory and hunting for fun the pack finally shifted back after dawn. Everyone was nervous Elaina's wolf was going to act up, but she was now well-tamed and Elaina shifted back quite easily. The only problem is, Elaina was still releasing strong pheromones from her most recent heat. It's still driving the less strong males off the edge after being around Elaina. Everyone goes off their own way as Dylan walks Elaina back to the main house.

"Elaina, we're glad to have you back ya know?" He hangs his arm around her shoulders. "Who do we thank for this, your supposedly fellow mate Calvin -boy?"

Elaina throws his arm off her shoulders and scoffs, "We can give him credit for his help, but I took charge I hope you know. I fought hard and brought myself back... and it was about damn time, even if I had to use him."

Dylan smirks, "Sure we can. That's the thing though alpha, you're still in a slight heat from the marking aren't you? You know that's driving some of us off edge right? How much longer will you hold this off? You know it'll only get worse right?"

Elaina sighs, "Can't help it though Dylan, I'm not fully ready yet and we also have to find Willis, you know that."

"But still, can't hold it off too long alpha. It'll only hurt you and your mate. Don't think too hard about it, sometimes some things just needs to be done naturally. Let it take its course, don't try to control it. And let's be honest, mating has nothing to do with catching Willis now, it's not really stopping you from anything truth be told."

Elaina bites her bottom lip, she has a lot to contemplate about. She then heads up the stairs into the house.

"Well, I can't control it, but I know when's the right time so fuck off. Thanks for the advice Dylan, but I have my priorities, let's take care of that first."

She waves back at him as she heads inside. Dylan scoffs and shakes his head at her stubbornness as he heads back to the pack house. Elaina goes inside and slumps onto the living room couch exhausted from the hunt. She sighs loudly and thinks of her situation in frustration.

True, since I can control my wolf now, nothings really holding me back from mating with Calvin. There's still so much to do though! Let's catch Willis first and then settle down, but first... Calvin.

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