Chapter 7

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I watch as the love of my life walks away out of my life. The feeling of rejection and lost love cones to heart. The tears start to form in the creases in my eyes. All the guys walk over to me standing on the side of the restraunt my head leaning on the side of the wall. Hands above my head.

"what the guck just happened Luke?" I could hear more anger than sorrow in her voice.

" I found love then lost it." I say as I walk through the crowd and head home .

As I'm walking the rain just seems to pour even harder. Why did I have to be so stupid l. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. I text her back to back on the way hone so maybe she will reply. But no reply at all. When I make it home I don't even bother to turn the lights on. I slam the front door. Everyone else is asleep so I soon regret it when my mum comes down.
" so how was." I cut her off not wanting to think about it

" don't wanna talk about it I'm going to bed goodnight." Sterness could be heard in my voice. She stood there shocked but didn't bother to bring it back up.

I lay in bed lookin up at the ceiling tears stream down the side of my faces. That night was the first night I cried myself to sleep.


The next morning I woke to the smell of bacon. I slowly roll out of bed looking in the mirror on the way out. Hair a mess. Eyes red and puffy with bags under them. Great.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly splash my face with warm water. I look back at my reflection and just shake my head. I walk out of the bathroom and trudge downstairs. Everyone is gone. Per usual. I grab the note beside the plate of food.

Your dad and I are out with friends and hour brothers are at work. Have a good day xx
Love mum xx

I just crumble up at note in frustration and throw it away. When I'm walking back into the kitchen I see out of the window someone walking up to the front door. Mackenzie?

I hurry to the door and swing it open before she could knock


She looks down. I move out of the way so she could walk in. All I wanted to do right then and there was kiss her. Tell her its alright. I'm not mad. I don't know why she even wants to see my face.

I close the door and turn to face her. I tangle her into a hug. My arms tight around her waist. Hers tightly under my arms.

"I'm sorry"


A Tear slides down my cheek as he says sorry.

Pure silence. Still captured in Luke's arms just taking in his scent. I put my ear to his chest and his heart is beating fast. I grab on tighter.

" that's what happens every time I look at you." He whispers in my ear. I let go and move into the living room.

" listen luke,. I ..." I start to say before he cuts me off.

"No Mackenzie its all my fault. Its because of me that you and mason broke up. I kissed you. Seeing you with him tore my heart into peices. But I was the reason you got with him. You had feelings for me and you needed to move on. But I don't want you to. I want you mackenzie. I need you. "

Cross your heart - Luke Hemmings love storyWhere stories live. Discover now