Chapter 15

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Everyone is here now. All the girls are to my left and luke and the boys to my right. I sit and wait for the doctor to come through the door. They had to rush Shelby into surgery. She has this disease where you get blood clots in the brain and I wasn't really listening I was to worried about her in surgery. My knees is shaking , I'm biting my nails, I start to breath heavy. Luke, who's holding my hand, squeezes it. Making me look at him. I look at him with teary eyes and once his blue orbs meet mine sympathy is all I could see.

The doors open and I see the doctor come out. Me and Ashton rush up to him.

" how is she" Ashton asked the sound of scardness prominate.

He huffs. "Well we fixed the blood clot and while we were in there we also found a tumor. "
Tears flow down my face one at a time but I never look away from the doctor.

" right now she is in an enduced coma for I don't know how log but her room is open for visitng." As soon as he said that I ran through the doors. Not caring I'd anyone followed.
I run down the hall looking into every room. Until I get to hers. I stop in the middle of the hallway and just stair into her room. The boys and girls run down and stop when they see me. I don't turn to look but all I can see us Ashton walking up to me.
He puts a hand on my arm and whispers.

"They want us to go in alone first" I nodd and head in first.

Her head wrapped up in a bandage. IVs connected to her arms. The sound of her heart beat on the monitor. I went and stood beside the bed. I grab her hand, its as cold as ice. Her lips blue, eyes closed.

" Shelby you have to stay... I- I cant go on without you. " A tear slides down my face. Ashton whispers in her ear and kisses her hand.

I get up and stand against the wall. In shock of what's happening. No one knows this but when something bad happens I tend to have panic attacks. I stand with one hand down and the other across my body clenching to my arm. My breath quickens and everything is moving in slow motion. I see nothing but a white light. That's when I feel someones hands on my face. So soft and warm , comforting. I blink and everything's back to normal. And Luke's in front of me. I stair into his eyes before he engolfs me in a hug. His arms wrapped tightly around me whispering its ok in my ear. My Cheeks turn red , everyone was stair at me. I whisper in Luke's ear.

" please take me home." He nodds and takes my hand.

"Guys were gonna head out Ashton keep us updated if anything happens tonight. " I keep my head down. As everyone whispers their goodbyes. You could tell luke was scared and nervous.

" I think I should stay over Toni...." I cut him off

"No luke I need some time alone, but thank you for your concern, " he looks at me before giving in. And letting me stay home by myself.

Cross your heart - Luke Hemmings love storyWhere stories live. Discover now