Chapter 19

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"I'll be back later babe , I love you" luke leans in to give me a kiss.

"Alright I love you too" I wave as he gets into his car and drives off.

I guess he did forget , today is the day. Our one year anniversary. All the memories. Of him playing small shows and the late night talks , its all just forgotten. Because he's called off to come fucking management meeting. probably about a new song or some other shit. So I'm stuck here for god knows how long by myself. I've got get used to this feeling because that announcement could be about tour dates.

I walk upstairs to grab my phone and just sit there alone , god this is fucking boring.

I get a phone call from Haley , realizing all the girls are home alone today.

" heller"

Hey me and emi and shelbg wanted to know if you would like to go out today and do something we all bored as fuck

She laughs through the phone makeing me smile

Yeah I'd love to come y'all just come on over I still have to get ready ,

Alrighty be there in a few

The call ended and I headed up to get ready. I didn't wear anything fancy, so shorts and a T-shirt with converse it is. As I fix my hair and make up , the doorbell rings. I go to open the door I'm met with 3 familiar faces.

Im greeted with heys and hugs. I allow them in and run upstairs to fetch my bag and shoes. I start to head down the stairs

" so where are we heading to" I smile and hop off the last step.

" oh nowhere just.... Out" Shelby shudders and looks at the girls.

" alright?" I follow the girls out and sit beside emi in the back. When one direction comes on and we are naming out with the windows down. We pass by the guys studio and I stair out the window thinking about if he really forgot. I never brought It up so how would he know. Right?

I'm brought back to reality as emi shakes me and shows me her twitter feed. Papparazi has photos of me and luke playing in the rain. The smile on my face as I try and run from luke. I smile to myself and look up at emi.
I look at Shelby in the side mirror and she looks healthier than ever. She has a huge smile on her dace while she looks down probably texting Ashton.

We pull into the parking lot of our elementary school. I look at Haley so confused.

" this is where I was told to drop you off , go to your kindergarten class room" I was so confused I slowly unbuckle myself. And get out of the car I look back at the girls and they are telling me to go in. So I do and the hall is black with the light of my kindergarten class lighting it up just a little. I walk in to see a dress , its a dark red with lace covering coming to mid thigh , with a note sitting in a chair.

Let me tell you a story about a boy and girl , he fell in love with his best friend , in this very room, is where everything started , so take this dress and change because there's a car waiting to take you to your next destination

Cross your heart - Luke Hemmings love storyWhere stories live. Discover now