Chapter 24

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The last couple of days have been amazing. The lynchs and Ellington made me feel like part of the family. Stormie and mark treat me like I'm their own kid, again.

They were always like that when I was younger, they were my second parents. Right now we were in the middle of watching a movie, but I've been so distracted that I don't even know what's going on.

All I thought about these past days was my family. Dylan has never texted me, not once. I texted him last night and this morning, and nothing.

My phone lit up and I hoped it was Dylan. I read the name and groaned, wasn't him. It was Kian.

'We need you to come into work tomorrow, Cassidy can't make it.' I looked up at Ross and he was still focused on the movie.

I quickly typed ' Okay, normal time?' I placed my phone down and rested my head on Ross' shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around me and rested it on my thigh. ' Yep, see ya tomorrow!'

I didn't answer him back. " Who are you texting?" Ross asked. I snuggled closer into his chest. " It was just Kian telling me I have to work tomorrow." I closed my eyes and took in his scent.

" Okay." He whispered and planted a kiss upon my lips. I brought my hand up to his neck and kept the kiss going. Ross smiled and but emotion into it.

" Gross." Riker coughed. Ross pulled back and kept our foreheads together. He smiled, showing me his beautiful white teeth. Then he turned around to face Riker.

He hit him with a pillow. " Hey!" He whinnied. Ross laughed and turned his attention back to the screen.

I watched his expressions. Everything about him is amazing. The way his corner of his lips twitches, the way his eyes sparkle, he's just so perfect and I'm glad I can call him mine.

I leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth. His lips formed a smile and I gave him a tired smile back. " Tired?" He asked. I nodded my head. " Okay then, let's get you to bed." He picked me up Bridle style. I giggled.

" Night!" I called out to everyone. Everyone said night back. He through me down onto the bed making me gasp, not expecting that. He crawled on top of me.

" What Are you doing?" I giggled. " Nothing." He shrugged. He leaned down and softly placed his lips on mine. I smirked against his lips. I hit his arm so he would fall. I swung one leg over him then straddled him.

He raised his eye brows and smirked. I reconnected our lips. He captured my bottom lips between his. Then It was my turn. Butterfly's were erupting in my stomach.

He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip making me smile. I gladly grant his access and our tongues fought for dominance. My heart was beating so fast. The things this boy can do to me.

He won after a minute and we pulled back for air. " Wow." Was all Ross said.
" Wow." I whispered. We started each other in the eyes. I blushed realizing I was still on top of him.

I rolled off of him and down beside him. " Babe, I'm tired." I mumble. " Then sleep." He laughed. I shook my head. " I'm still in my jeans." I frown.

He got up and got me a pair of his sweat pants and shirt. I sat up and took off my pants, covering me with a blanket. I took his clothes and slipped on the pants.

I quickly removed my shirt and put on his shirt. He changed into his other clothes as well.

I laid back down and cuddled against him. " Babe." I whispered.
"Mmmhhmm." He answered eyes still closed. " I have to work tomorrow at ten." He nodded.

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