Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Please read Authors note! It's important!
After we played 10 rounds of COD I called it quits. I ended up winning 6 of those rounds.

Miranda was coming tomorrow so I wanted to have a shower tomorrow. I hoped into bed. I soon fell asleep.

" Lucy! Wake up! She's almost here!" My mom screeched behind the door. " I'm up!" I mumble. I slowly get out of bed and put my hair into a messy bun. I looked through my closet to find what I wanted to wear.

I picked out high waisted shorts, black crop top and a red flannel. I laid the outfit on my bed as I went and hopped into the shower. Since I'm the only girl, I have my own bathroom.

I walked out with the towel around me. I put my hair back up into a pony tail. I slipped on my outfit. Now for my hair. I quickly blow dried it. I decided I wanted to curl it today. Try something new.

Then I added some light makeup. Just a little bit of powder and some mascara. I never go full out on the make up and make myself look like a Barbie doll.

I added a heart shaped necklace and a few band brackets. I'm in love with the band All Time Low and Walk The Moon.

" Hello, welcome to our home." My mom greeted. I stood I front of them with smile on my face. Not a fake one though, I really wanted to see her.

" Come on in." My dad motioned to inside as we back up. " Thank you." She smiled at me.

" How was your flight?" I asked taking her coat and hanging it up. " We'll, it could've been better." She laughed. I nodded.

" Would you like anything to drink or eat?" I ask politely. She shook her head. " No thank you."

" do you want to go to your room?" She asked. " More privacy the better." I walked to my room, I took a seat at the window ledge and she sat beside me. I sat criss crossed.

" So how are you doing?" She asked getting her note book out. She wrote my name at the top. Lucy Ann Cooper.

" I'm doing amazing. I love it down here." She wrote something down in her book. " And how is everything with your family?"

I sat back. " Awesome. I get a long with Dylan and Jacob great. And same with my parents. They treat me we'll and always make sure that I'm safe." I fake smile. She nodded and wrote something down again.

Little does she know, that it's the compleat opposite. I really wish I could tell her what's really happening. I wish that she could help me. But know one can.

" So what do you think about your parents?" She looked up from her book. " They are super sweet. They always take care of me, make sure I'm always okay, they never make me fell unloved. They're amazing."

Man, if I was Pinocchio my nose would be 5 feet long! " That's great to hear!" She closed her book and stood up.

" Oh, and I forgot to mention that you look beautiful! Not that you always don't, but, you've really changed since the last time I seen you. You've become a beautiful young laddie." She complemented.

" Thank you. Really means a lot coming from you since you use to be a model." I smiled at her as we walked up the stairs.

" Why thank you." We stop at the kitchen. " Everything good?" My mom asked smiling. Carrie nodded her head. " Yes. It looks like everything is fine, so I guess I should be heading back."

" Wait, I thought you were staying the night." I whined. I didn't want her to leave. She helped me through everything. My depression, my insecurities, everything.

" I'm sorry, the plans have changed. I need to head back." She gave me a hug. " Bye." Whisper. She lifted up my chin. She smiled. " Bye."

So I'm starting this book off with five chapters. Just to get it out there. Then, I'm going to write a few more chapters then publish them.
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