Chapter 9

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" We're having Barbecue tonight. So were all outback." Right now we were in Ross' Room because he was showing me around. we walked out and walked down stairs. "Ahhhhh!" A girl screamed. I turned around the be pulled into a hug. " You came!" Rydel shouted.

Ross shushed her. " The rest don't know she's here. We're trying to make it a surprise. So keep it down."

" Did you bring a bathing suit?" Rydel asked. I shook my head and looked at Ross. " I wasn't tol-" I was cut off by Rydel pulling me upstairs to her room. " Which one?" She asked.

She laid out 3 bikinis. A yellow one with pink hearts. A rainbow coloured one and a plain red one.

" Rainbow." She picked it up and handed it to me. " Oh, and here." She handed me some shorts and a crop top. " Just to cover up." She pushed me into the bathroom while she changed in her room.

I walked out and bumped into someone, which ended up me falling and pulling them with Me. I looked up to see who was the person responsible was. " When did you get here? I didn't know you we're hear!" I laughed. " First, get off of me, and second. Like 15 minutes ago."

Riker stood up and stood out his hand. I grabbed it as he pulled me up. " So your he mystery girl Ross wanted over for dinner?" He grinned. " I guess I am."

He just laughed. " Do you know we're delly went?" I asked. He pointed down stairs. "Thanks." I ran down the stairs and seen her Ross and so other guy. I slowly walked to the group.

" Umm." I approach them. Ross and Rydel turned around. The other kid was already looking at me. " Hey Lucy." Ross said moving over so I could join the Circle. " Ohh, so this is the famous Lucy I've heard all about."

The boy bowed, as he came back up he grabbed my hand and kissed it. " It's my pleasure to meet you." Ross chuckled as did Rydel and I. " Okay. So, since you know my name, what's yours?"

I started at him. " Ellington, but all my friends call me Ratliff." I laughed. " Why do they call you Ratliff?"

" He's the drummer of our band. So he hand to have the 'R' but since his first name starts with an 'E' we used his last name." Ross explains. "Ah, I gotcha."

" Do you want to go swimming now?" Rydel begged. I looked at Ross since he wanted to make this a surprise. " Sure, just let me go out first. Just follow my lead." Ross walked to the door.

" Mom, Dad rocky and Ryland. Come here!" I heard him call. " What is it?" Stormie asked. " I want you to meet someone."

I took that as my cur to walk out. I slowly appeared around the corner. I stood beside Ross. I heard The three of them gasp. " Oh my stars! Lucy!" Stormie walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

" Oh I've missed you so much! How have you been?! Look how much you've grown." I pulled back and smiled at her. " I missed you too. Actually, I've missed all of you."

Rocky pulled me into a quick hug then mark. " Nice to see you again kiddo." He ruffled my hair. I laughed and tried to fix it. " You too."

" Now can we go swimming?" Rydel whinnied. I nodded. " To the pool!" I charged over the pool chairs. Rydel and I took off our clothes. We grabbed two floaty's and laid on them as the boys splashed around us.

This was perfect. I was with my best friends again. Ones that I haven't seen in a long, long time. Music was playing, boys were chasing each other around. This couldn't get anymore perfect.

" Hello! Earth de Lucy!" Ross was waving his hand in my face. I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment. " Sorry." I mumble.

" what do you want anyways?" I laugh. He smirked at me. I quickly shook my head. "No, Ross don't, no, please." I begged. He still smirked. "Ross plea-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I was flipped into the cold water.

I resurfaced and glared at him. " That's wasn't cool." I pouted. " Aw, does the baby need it's bottle?" He mocked. I crossed my arms and I pulled my best pouty face.

" I'm not talking to you." I turn around. I heard swishing behind me knowing he was making his way towards me.

" Okay then." He grabbed my sides as he started to tickle me. " No, stop p-p-please!" I laugh. " Not until you say I'm the most sexiest most funniest person on earth!" I shook my head as he tickled harder.

" H-Help!" I was running out of breath. " Fine! Your the most sexiest, most funniest person on earth!" I yelled in between the laughter. He stopped tickling, but kept his hands on my waist.

And for some reason, I didn't want them to move. " Now was that so hard?" He smirked. " Yes."

So there's going to be one more chapter about this night.
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