Chapter 27

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My phone was going off repeatedly as I still sat in a ball crying. I didn't have enough strength to answer the phone. It's felt like my whole world has crashed.

I have no idea what to do anymore. The only person who helped me through everything, was Dylan. Now, I don't know what to do anymore.

My life is a piece of shit. It's full of disappointment, hatred and worthlessness. My parents wouldn't be proud of me. I just wants jump into a hole and die. My whole body was trembling as I made my way to the bathroom.

I sat down on the edge of the bathtub sobbing. I grabbed my razor and broke it. I held the little sharp object between my middle and ring finger.

I let out a shaky breath and placed it down and sighed. I got up and walked to my phone. I had 26 messages and 20 missed calls from Ross and 12 messages from Riker.

I opened up Rikers and Ross' last message. ' Ross is craving him self crazy! Answer your phone! He needs to know you're alright! I need to know you're alright!'

' Babe! Please answer your phone! What's going on?!'

I texted both boys back saying I'm fine. Almost instantly Ross was trying to call me. I answered " Hey." My raspy voice said.

" Babe what happened!?" You could hear the worry in his voice. Tears made there way down my cheeks as I answered " nothing." I lied. I told him everything would be fine before I left his house, I don't want him worrying right now.

" Babe, I know you're upset and crying right now, I can tell, please," That made me brake. I sobbed into the phone as Ross tried to comfort me. I started hyperventilating and shaking.

" Baby, you need to calm down! Listen to my voice baby, listen to my voice." Ross kept talking as I listened. It worked, I can't believe he just did that. The only person who could calm me down is Dylan.
" Good, just like that." His soft voice echoed through the phone. " baby girl, what happened."

Him calling me baby girl brought a small smile to my face. " I just made you smile, didn't I?"
I giggled. " Yeah, you did." The smile disappeared on my face as I sighed. " I love you." He said.
" Dylan hit me." I rushed out, I covered my face in shame as I tried not to cry. Ross was quite so I took this as my chance to explain. " After i-I hung up on you, he told m-me how I was clueless I was, and that I-I was the reason for him being abused, and my mom want to K-k-kill me." I was crying all over again.

There was still silence. " Ross?" I crooked. Tears feel faster down my cheeks. Soft light knows made me jump towards the window. I hung up and opened the window. Ross didn't take any second to wrap my in his arms.

His heart was beating fast and he was breathing heavily. I let my tears fall down into his neck causing him to shiver. He pulled back and looked at me. He wipe red my tears away and placed his lips upon mine, swallowing my sobs.

It was a sweet, yet passionate kiss. His lips slid off mine and we kept our foreheads together. He placed one hand on my cheek. " I love you too." I whispered looking up into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

He gave me a toothless smile and swept me off my feet. He laid down with me beside him, cuddling into his side with my arm across his chest. His head was resting I top of mine and I was tracing things on his stomach.

He was trying to take my mind off things, but it wasn't working. It's going to be hard to forget this one.

" Remember when we first met?" Ross asked. I groaned and chucked " Yes." He smiled.
" And I was dancing and you were throwing a fit because you didn't want to leave?" I placed my chin on his chest as he continued. " You were a beautiful dancer, I wanted to watch you." I blushed. " I was In front of an audience and you made me mess up." I glared.

" We've been best friends ever since." I stayed quite. Those years that I was away from him made me realize, the he was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

" I'm sorry that I left you. It was the hardest thing I've done. I didn't go one day without thinking about you. You were like my other half. And you still are." Ross gushed.
" Aww, you're to adorable." I leaned down and grabbed his cheeks, connecting our lips. I felt Ross slid his tongue across my bottom lip. I smiled and granted access. Our tongues fought for Dominance.

I straddled him as we hooked up. His hands were on my hips. I pulled back for the lack of air loss. " You're so beautiful." I pushed my hair out of my face.

" Thank you." I rolled off of him and cuddled against him as I shut my eyes. " Go to sleep. I love you baby girl." He kissed my forehead. " What if they find you in here?" I mumbled.

" I'll take care of that." I kissed his stomach because that was the only thing in view.
He rubbed my back and hummed until I feel asleep.

"Lucy get ready, were going over to the lynchs for dinner." I ran down stairs and out the door. My mom chuckling behind me.

I raced into the car my mom and dad following me. When we got there I hoped out and ran inside. I haven't seen the lynchs for weeks because they've went on vacation.

I opened the door and ran in trying to find that blondie that I've missed so much. I ran up to his room and knocked on the door. " It's open!" He called. I opened the door and I ran and jumped onto his back.

" Hey Lucy." He laughed. " How'd you know it was me?" I asked. " Just a lucky guess." He turned around so I was over his bed. I let go and fell down onto it.

" I missed you so much. These weeks were the loneliest weeks of my life." He was unpacking from his trip and I watched. Something was off though. He seemed, sad. I left it alone.

We were called down to dinner and we gathered around the patio. I sat in between Riker and Ross, like usual. Everyone was talking, except for Ross. " What's wrong?" I asked him.

" Nothing." He fake smiled and opened up his phone. I sighed and turned around to eat. Stormie and mark stood up, which meant there was an announcement. " So mark and I have some very exciting news."

" You're having another baby?!" I asked. Everyone erupted into laughter, even Ross.
"No, sweetie." Stormie giggled.

" Mark and I decided that were going to be moving the family to L.A!" She cheered. My chin dropped. The lynchs, are moving? Half way across the country. I looked over at Ross who was frowning and looking down.

I got up and ran. I ran to the front yard and hide behind a tree as the tears fell. They can't be moving! They can't! They're my only friends! They were my second family!
" Lucy." Ross sighed.

I brought my knees into my chest letting my tears cascade all over my jeans. Ross appeared around the tree. He dropped to his knees. He leaned against the tree just like me.

" I don't want to go." He mumbled. I wiped my tears and looked over at him. " I don't want to leave you. I don't want to leave Colorado. I don't want to leave all of the good memories behind."

" When do you leave?" I whispered. " 2 weeks." Wait a minute.
" In two weeks, like from today?" I asked hoping he'd say no. He nodded his head yes. Tears quickly feel once again.

" Do you know what day that is?" He nodded, it looked like he wanted to cry. " You're leaving on my birthday." I cried. He pulled me into a hug. His head was in the crook of my neck and mine was in his.

I felt tears drop into my shoulder and Ross held me tighter. " I begged my mom to leave after, but she couldn't. Lucy I'm so sorry."

Right then and there, my world has came crashing down. " Please don't go Ross, please don't go." I begged.

" Lucy, Lucy wake up." Someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes and squinted at Ross. My face felt wet. I reached up to rub my eyes, they were wet; I was crying.

" What were you dreaming about?" He asked. He pointed to the pillow case that had a wet spot from my tears. " They day you guys announced you were leaving." I ran my hand through my hair stressfully.

" Don't worry, I'm never leaving again, ever."

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