Chapter 12

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I looked at him in a panic. " What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I whispered yelled. " I came to talk to you. And I came in trough your window." I looked at him like he was crazy.

" How did you know where I live?!" I took my hair out of my ponytail and left it. " I have my ways." He smirked. I glared at him. " I don't even want to know."

" So, what door want to talk about?" I sat beside him. " About yesterday." He looked at me as I played with the end of my shirt. " Can we not talk about that here?" I begged. "Sure." He walked to my door. Just as he was about to open it, I shut it. " What?" He asked.

" Uh, we can't go out that way." I walked towards the window. " Why not?" He questioned. " Just cause." He climbed out the window and I shut it quietly. I didn't want my parents to know that he was here, and that I was sneaking out.

" This is so beautiful." I whisper as we walk along the beach as the sun set. " Yeah, it is." Ross replied.

Ross pov;
I watched Lucy in awe as we walked along the shore line. " This is so beautiful." She whispers looking at the sunset I front of us. " Yeah, it is." But not as Beautiful as you.

I stopped causing her to stop to. " What's wrong?" She asked walking back over. I just smiled and sat down. I patted the sand beside me indicating for her to sit.

She sat down beside me and took off her shoes. She started to dig her toes into the sand. " Can we talk about it now?" I asked nervously. She nodded. " Why did you run off?" I looked at her.

She picked up a handful of sand and let if fall between her fingers. " It's a long story. A really, long story." She shrugged. " I've got time." She turned to look at me. She playfully rolled her eyes.

She laid all the way back. I copied her actions. " Why did you leave our house early? And my mom and sister told me you looked frightened. Want to tell me why." I put my hand under neath my head to keep it up.

" I uh, I was late for something." She started to fiddle with her fingers. She's nervous. I place my hands on hers. She looked up into my eyes are tears brimmed in her eyes.

" What's wrong?" She shook her head and wiped the tears. " I though I was ready, but I can't." She whispered. " Can't what?" I picked up her chin so I can look at her.

She was about to talk when her phone cut her off. She picked it up. " Sorry, I have to take this." She answered the call.

" Hi." She whispered. I tried to listen my best to hear what the other person was saying, but it was just mumbling. I watched as Lucy's facial expressions started to change in to sad to frightened.

" O-Okay." She strutted. Okay something must be really wrong because she never stutters. She hung up the phone and stood up.

" What's wrong?" I whisper. She looked up at me, I was at least a few inches taller then her so I towered over her. " I have to go." She mumbled as she started to run.

" Wait, Lucy!" I called after her. I ran to catch up to her. " Ross, I really have to go." I sighed. " Let me drive you home at least." She shook her head and frowned.

" Why not?" I really need to find out what's happening. " I- I just c-can't." And with that she ran off. Leaving me there, standing on the beach, alone.

Lucy's pov;
After I ran away from Ross I ran straight home. I climbed into my window, but it wouldn't make a difference, they new I wasn't home.

I texted Dylan saying I was home. She was down in my room in moments. " Where the hell were you?" He whispered yelled.

" I was at the beach with Ross." I admit. He was about to speak when someone barged through my door.

I stood face toe face with my angry looking mother. " Dylan, go upstairs." She said through grinned teeth. He shook his head. " I'm. It going anywhere."

" Go upstairs. Now!" She screamed. He looked at me apologetically as he frowned and walked out of my door. " Where the hell were you!" She screamed in my face.

I new what was coming, so I didn't even try.

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Today is my 13th birthday! 🎁🎁🎉🎉 I decided to update early since today is special. 👌👌

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