Chapter 29

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They we're being extremely friendly. He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. Right now I couldn't believe my eyes. They could simply be best friends... That was until he leaned in and kissed her. Okay, I call bull shit on the whole friends thing. I walked straight over to the booth.

" What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I snapped at Kian. He let go of the girls hand. " You know what, I don't even want to know. You're so sick! I can't believe I set my friend up with you-" I was cut off by the other girl, " Kian, what is she talking about?"

" Nothin." He snapped. I continued " Ross was right, he said that you were a dick, he didn't even want her going out with you, but I convinced him to let her because I thought you were a nice guy, but I guess I was wrong." I was surprised at what I did next, I dumped my pop oh him, then I stomped away.
" Delly, can I talk to you? In private." I asked. " You only call me delly when something is going on or wrong, or when you're sad, what's happening?" She asked cautiously.
We walked up to her room and I closed the door. " I was on my way home from the grocery store, and I stopped at ' In an out' and uh... Uh.." I stopped and looked at her.

" What?" She asked slowly. " I found Kian.... With another girl, and they kissed." I watched her reactions. It went from confused, the anger, to hurt. Tears surfaced her eyes. " Really?" She whimpered. I nodded.
" I'm so, so sorry." I bring her into a hug as she let out small whimpers. " I thought he actually liked me." Hearing her whimper like that made my heart hurt. She didn't deserve any of this. " I'm so sorry delly."

The door opened " I hear crying."

Ross said as he walked in. I turned my head and he stopped short. He new exactly what has happened and anger flashed in his eyes. He ran out the door and right into his car. shit.

Ross pov;
I hoped into my car and drove right to get shaved, the only place I knew where he would be. I didn't even park the car, I jumped out and ran into the store. And there he was, standing behind the counter looking all innocent, well that's going to change. " How may I help-" I didn't even let him finish his sentence before I grabbed his collar and pulled him over the counter.

" What the hell is your problem." He asked. I pointed my finger right in his face. " You! You are my problem! I gave you a chance with my sister and you blow it by cheating!? I knew I shouldn't have let her go anywhere near you!" I let go of his shirt and gave him a push. " She deserved it." He shrugged. Now I'm pissed. " How in the hell did my sister deserve being cheated on? She did nothing wrong!"

" She's a slut, that's why." The next thing I knew, I was on top of him throwing as much punches as I can. " Don't you ever! Call my sister a slut again! You hear me!? I will put you 6 feet into the ground if I have too!" I gave him one last punch until I was pulled off of him.

Blood was dripping out of his nose and mouth. You can already see his black eyes starting to come in too. I was thrown outside by his boss. I jumped into my car, slammed the door and took off again. When I got home, I was greeted by my girlfriend standing at the door looking pissed.

" What in the hell did you do?" She looked beyond frustrated. " He deserved it." I Yelled. She flinched back a little. " But did I?" She asked her voice small. " What the hell are you talking about?" I pushed past her and saw Rydel sitting on the couch with my mom beside her. That prick. " You got me fired Ross." She mumbled. Wait, how? I tuned back to face her.

" How?" How did I get her fired? I fell bad now, but I don't regret doing what I did to Kian. " I don't know, maybe because my boyfriend just beat up an employe and he said it was my fault." She yelled. Okay, now I was angry again.

" He fucking deserved it! He cheated on my sister! If you would've listened to me in the first place, then maybe you would still have your job! I was trying to protect my sister, but no, you had to be a stubborn little bitch and do otherwise!" Lucy had tears making there way down her face as she also looked frightened. What the hell did I just do.

" Lucy, baby, I didn't mean that!" I said calmer, but before I couldn't finish the sentence, she was already out the door. Fuck! I ran out the door and followed Lucy. She's a lot faster than she looks.

She was out of sight. I stood in the middle of the road, hands over my face. " Damn it!" Why in the hell did I say that to her?! I should just kept my mouth shut, but she was making me angry, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Great.

I walked back to the house and ran upstairs into my room. I groaned and laid down on my bed. " Can I come in?" My sister whispered from behind the door. " Yeah." I sighed.

Her eyes were tear stained, man I felt so bad. She sat at the edge of my bed. I sat crossed legged and moved closer to her. " I'm sorry your first relationship didn't work out so well." I said.

She lightly laughed, " I guess I should've listened to you, it's my fault I got my heart broken." I gave her a hug. " I love you delly." I whispered. " I love you too Ross, now, why were you yelling at Lucy?"

" Cause I was mad at what that jerk did to you, and I blamed her for it because she was the one who convinced me to let you go out with him, now look where that ended." I rambled.

" You didn't need to call her a stubborn bitch though." She pointed out. I groaned, " It just slipped! I was beyond pissed!" I covered my face with my palms.

" I need to know she's okay. Where is she going to go anyways? She can't go back to her house, it isn't safe." Why did I have to open my big mouth?

" I'll try and call her, see where she is. Don't worry." My sister reassured. " Thanks." I mumbled. She got up and left. I laid back down and scrolled through my phone. I was deciding if I should call Lucy or not.

I went to contact ' Baby Girl 🙈💘' I started at it, moments later I shut my phone off and decided to go for a walk. I need to clear my mind. I grabbed my head phones and put one in my ear. I shoved my phone in my pocket and made my way to the beach.

Lucy's Point of view:

I can't believe Ross. I can't believe he actually said that to me. I don't know where I'm going tonight. I'm not staying at my mothers, I know that, wouldn't be staying at Kian's, not staying at the lynchs, great I'm homeless.

As I was walking around, I wounded up at the beach. I stood up against a tree and watched the sunset. Moments later there was a person walking to the shore line. He sat down and watched the beautiful view fade.

Once it was dark, he got up and walked towards me. As he got closer, I recognized him easily. I started to panic, I don't want him to see me. I started walking the opposite direction and into the bush.

We I was certain he was gone, I climbed out and sat on a bench. It was nice and quite, but my ringtone started going off

' My boy 🙈😘' was on my screen. I left it until it was sent to voicemail.
' Please call me back, I'm so sorry baby, I really am, I just need to know you're safe.' Should I talk to him?

It took a lot, but I finally called him. He picked up on the first ring. " Lucy-" I cut him off by accident " I'm safe, I'm fine, but I need some space,"

He was so quite that I could hear him breathing. " Do you have a place to stay?" He spoke. Should I tell him no? If I tell him no, hell probably make me go back, but I can't, I just need space right now. " Yes."

Kinda long chapter


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