Chapter 31

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Ross Pov;

I jumped out of my car and ran towards the accident. " I'm sorry sir, you can't come in here." A police officer said standing behind a crime seen tape. " You don't understand! My girlfriend was in the accident!"

" Everyone was taken the the hospital, now please, you need to leave." i glared at him, but ran back to the car. I raced towards the hospital. I pretty much jumped out the car, Riker had to turn the car off and lock it since I was in a huge hurry.

" Lucy cooper, is she here?" I rushed to the girl behind the desk. " Are you related?" She asked. " I'm her boyfriend,"

She looked through her computer, " room 216 second floor." I didn't even say thanks, we walked to the elevator. " 214, 15, - 16,"

The door was open but the was a curtain blocking her. Tears blurred my vision. I didn't hear any talking so I'm guessing no one is here with her. I took a shaky breath before walking in.

Riker and Rocky stood outside to give me some alone time with her. I swiped the curtain over and I gasped.

Her eyes were black, has scratches all over her face, her head wrapped up and A broke arm. Her face was pale and looked like a ghost.

" Oh, my baby." I sat down in the chair beside her. I grabbed onto her hand. I let my tears fall. " Lucy, I'm sorry this had to happen to you, I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm such a bad boyfriend and I'm sorry."

I held my head down in Shame and just let my tears fall onto the floor. Soon a doctor came in the cheek up with things and I asked her what happened.

" Well, she's fine except for broken bones, she is one a lot of medication right now to get rid of the pain. She should wake up soon." Then he left. Riker and Rocky came in shortly after he left. They were talking quietly while I sat in my own thoughts.

" ow, ow, ow." My head shot up and Lucy's face was scrunched up in pain. " Make it stop make it stop." She whinnied. She hasn't even opened her eyes yet, I really hope she doesn't mind me being here.

She started crying and it broke my heart, why did this have to be her? " Baby, it's okay, you're okay." Lucy started panicking. " Babe, it's me, open your eyes." I rubbed my hand up and down her arm.

" I can't!" She started panicking. " What do you mean you can't?" I watched as Riker got up and ran out the door, hopefully to get a doctor. " Ross, I'm scared." She admitted and trying to find me.

She started to hyperventilate and her heart monitor was beating quickly. " Babe! I'm right here, calm down, please baby, I need you to calm down, I right here." I cupped her cheeks and rubbed my thumbs around her cheeks.

The doctors came rushing in. " Son I'm going to need you to step back." I refused to leave her, she needs me now then ever. Riker pulled me away. " What are you doing?!" I yelled at him.

" Dude, your girlfriend needs help! So let her have it!" They rushed her out of the room and I had no idea what is going on. One doctor came back in " What's going to happen to her?"
" Well, she's Ina cat-scan at the moment, but the reason of not being able to open her eyes is some gas fell into her eyes. We don't know how it will effect her vision." She was right under the car?!

" So she might lose her vision?!" The doctor nodded. " You guys can go wait in the waiting area." Riker had to drag me out, I was so out of it. I didn't know what to think.

Riker's phone started going off.

" Yeah, he's right here." Then handed me the phone. " mom said she couldn't get a hold of you so she called me instead." I nodded.

" Hey mom." She started asking me how she's doing and what's going on. " She might lose her vision, she couldn't open her eyes when she woke up." A couple of tear drops escaped my eyes. " Should we all come down there?"

" No, I think it's fine, bye, I love you."

" I love you too." Then I hung up. I wiped my eyes and took in a deep breath. " She's be okay bro, she's tough." Riker reassured me. " Yeah, it's going to be all okay." Rocky placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head.

I just don't know what I would do if she lost her vision. The doors slammed open and I couldn't believe who was here. I stood up. " What are you doing here?" I growled at Lucy's mother and brother.

" She is, my daughter." She emphasized the word Is. " But you treat her like shit and she doesn't like you!" I fired back. " You listen here young man-" Dylan cut her off. " Just stop it, the both of you! Lucy is in surgery right now and could lose her vision and you guys are out here arguing."

She scoffed and walked off the find a doctor. " And what are you doing here?" I snapped. " I'm Lucy's brother, I have a right to be here, I've always been there for her." He crossed his arms.

" Oh, like you had the right to slap her? You really think she would want you here after you hurt her?" Everyone was starting to stare but I didn't care. " She already forgave me! And you don't be so innocent yourself! Maybe if you didn't call her a bitch, she wouldn't have been in this mess!" He shot back.

How'd he even know that? " She told me everything!" I glared at him. I walked away and he mumbled a ' that's what I thought.' I sat down in the chair and thought, he was right, if I hadn't have called her that, she would be with me right now, perfectly fine.

" Lucy Cooper?" I stood up as did her mother and Dylan. " So she just got done surgery, she will have to keep bandages on her eyes for 2 weeks, and she will hopefully get her sight back."

I was the first one to speak up. " Can I see her?" The nurse nodded. " yes, but only one at a time." She led us to her room. I walked in first and sat down in the chair, she said that she was still knocked out but should wake up soon.

There was a marker on the desk beside her. I grabbed it moved to the side where she has her cast. ' I love you baby girl ' I wrote. I drew a heart around it.

I also drew a stick figure of us and I was laughing since it looked so horrible. She started moving around. I moved back to her other side and waited for her to fully wake up.

" Babe?" I whispered. She groaned in response. " How you feeling?" I rubbed her stomach lightly. " I feel like I've been hit with a bus then ran over by it." I chuckled.
" You'll be okay soon, don't worry baby."

" Ross." She mumbled. " Yeah?" I moved hair out of her face and ran my fingers over her bandages. " I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you about Kian, I thought he was nice, but You were right, and I'm so sorry."

I couldn't tell if she was crying but I still feel really bad. " No babe, no you should be saying sorry, I should. I'm sorry sorry I called you a bitch, I'm so sorry I got you fired, I'm sorry that you got into an accident, I'm sorry you can't see, I'm sorry for all of this, you didn't deserve any of it, and I'm sorry."

Lucy's Point of view;

I listened as Ross confessed everything. I couldn't see him, but I knew he was crying. I lifted my arms up to find his face. I wiped away his tears and he laughed. I don't know how I'm going to last these two weeks.

" Sir it's time for the others now." A voice said, I couldn't tell who it was. And who are the other visitors? " Ross don't leave me." I went to grab his arm, but he wasn't there. I was so scared and I needed him, I can't do this without him.

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