Chapter 26

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" She's in the kitchen, and who might you be?" Stormie looked over at me but I just stayed quite. " I'm her mother and I'm taking her home. Lucy, let's go." She pushed past stormie and stood a couple feet away from me. " I'm not going home." I protested. " Yes you are, you are still 16 and in my custody, let's go, now." She growled.

I took a step behind Ross. " She's not going anywhere." I grabbed onto his one hand as I pulled him back a little. " Yes she is, or I'm going to call the cops and tell them that you kidnaped my kid." Okay, she's got us there. " I'll go just for tonight, it'll be okay." I whisper. He shakes his head. " Ross," I went in front of his and stood on my tippy toes to reach his face. " I promise, it's going to be fine." He sighs and placed his hands over mine.

" I just don't want you to get hurt." He whispers so my mom wouldn't hear. I leaned in a placed my lips on his soft ones. I pulled back, " I won't, bye babe." He frowned. " bye baby girl." I walked over to my mother and she pulled me out the door. We got into her car and got to our house in minutes.

Right now, I was honestly so scared. Everything is not going to be fine, I just had to say that to Ross to let me go. Or they would've been charged with kidnaping. I got out a few minutes after my mom did. I slowly walked into the house. Dylan was sitting on the couch watching tv. I was confused, usually when I get back from somewhere, he's always meeting me at the door. I haven't seen him for a week. What happened to him.

I walked over to the couch and sat beside him. He didn't even look at me. Not even for a second. His eyes were on the tv. " Dylan?" I whisper. He still didn't look at me. He didn't even seem him self either, he's gotten really thin and looks like he haven't slept in days. " Are you okay?" He got really tense and looked like he was about to cry.

" Dylan, seriously, what's wrong." He got up and looked away. He started walking away, I stood up and wondered off to him. He walked into his room and slammed the door just before I could reach it. "Dylan! Please! Talk to me!" I kept knocking on the door until my phone started to right. I groaned loudly and ran to my room. I slammed my door and answerd the call. " What?" I didn't even bother to look who was calling me.

"Well hello to you too." Ross said. I jumped onto my bed. " I'm sorry." I pick at my nail as he asks " What's wrong babe?" I sigh. " Dylan won't talk to me. There's something wrong with him. He's lost a lot of weight. He was a healthy weight, now, now I don't know. And he's just not himself. I went to talk to him, but he just slammed the door. I don't know what to do." I rambled.

" maybe it's just because you've been gone. Give him a day or two. Don't stress over it." I nodded my head, forgetting he couldn't see me. " Okay,"

" Good, so now to the reason I called, are you safe?" I laughed. " Ross, I've only been gone for like half an hour,"

" Only takes a couple of seconds to kill someone though." I looked over at the door to see Dylan standing there, arms crossed. " What?" I asked. " Babe?" Ross asked. " I'm going to have to call you back." I said then hung up.

" What are you talking about?" I asked him again. " I'm just saying." He was about to walk away, but I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him back. " Okay, seriously, what the hell is your problem?" I asked him. " It's like you're clueless!" He yelled at me. At first I was taken back a little " Excuse me?"

He shook his head. " what do you think the real reason is to why she brought you home. I'll tell you one thing, she doesn't give two shits about you, so she wouldn't care that you were there." Wow, okay then.
" Where are you going with this?" I glared. " Damn it Lucy! She wants to kill you for god sakes!" I took a few steps back. " w-what? Why?" I whispered.

" Okay, you really need to smarten up. You put her husband in jail, why else would she want to Kill you?!" He yelled once again.
Okay, what is his problem? Has never yelled at me before, and I don't think I've ever seen him so angry. " Well he deserved it." I mumbled. " And what is your problem? You're not yourself, you always use to be nice and kind, now it looks like you just want to attack me." I asked cautiously.

" Well maybe I should." He growled. I slammed the door shut, but he put his foot in the door and pushed it open making me fall. I looked up at him, frightened at what he was doing. " Dylan, what are you doing?" I started to crawl back until I was up against the bed. " You made this last week hell. They thought I was the one behind dad being put into jail. I was starved, abused, and they already tried killing me by suffocating me." He got closer and closer. " At first I was trying to protect you, saying I did it, but then I had enough and told them it was you." He was at my feet and pulled me up by my hair, and by this time, I was crying.

" go ahead, cry. No ones going to care. We all hate you in this house. I'm just surprised that they aren't doing anything to you right now." He shrugged.
" And to think that I thought of you as a sister." The next thing I felt was a burning sensation on my cheek. He just slapped me, the only person I thought was my family and actually cared about me, hates me and just slapped me.
He let go of my shirt and walked out. I moved to the corner of my room and huddled in a ball and cried. Why me?


Quick chapter since I had it written out already!
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