Chapter 14

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.Still is Ross' pov.

Right now, the boys and I were setting up the living room while the girls went out shopping for food. Someone started banging on the door making all of us turn to it. "What the hell?" Riker made his way to the door and looked through he peep hole.

He sighed and opened the door. " You guys just scared the living shit out of me!" He helps Rydel with the bags and I grab the pizza from Lucy. I set it on the food while Rydel and Lucy get out the plates.

After we get all of our food ready, we make our way to the living room. We had a few board games out on the table. Which were Life, Apples to Apples and Monopoly.

After we finished our food and got tired of the board games, we decide to watch the movie; twenty two jump street.

All through the movie, I would look over at Lucy to see her smiling. Her smile can light up a room and her giggle is just adorable.

As everyone started to drift asleep, I stayed awake. I just laid there, Thinking. It was so hard to fall asleep. I heard Lucy sigh as she turns around trying to get comfortable. I looked at the time, 2:43.

" Can't sleep either?" I asked. I must have Startled her because she jumped. She glared at me then sighed once again. " Yeah." She sat down beside me as I sit up. " Why are you still up?"

I shrugged. " Can't fall asleep." She looked down as the room became quite. " Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologize. She leaned back against the couch and closed her eyes.

" It's wasn't your fault, you didn't know." She rubbed her eyes and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. I smiled slightly. " It's so pretty out." She said, getting up and walking to the screen door.

I opened it for her and we walked out. " Wanna lay down?" I asked patting the seat next to me. I was in a beach chair. She looked unsure of what she wanted to do, but en she laid down beside me.

We looked up at the stars and we pointed out the constellations. " And that ones my favourite." I pointed to the biggest and brightest star.

" And what is that?" She asked looking over at me. I smiled. " That's Lucy." She ginned. " Because it's biggest most brightest, most beautiful star, just like you." She looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

" That was the most sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. " Her eyes became teary. " Hey, no tears." I laugh. I reach up to them and wipe them away. " They're happy tears." She protested.

She yawned And rubbed her eyes. " Go to sleep." I whisper. She nods and curls into my side. She soon fell asleep, and I did too.

Lucy's Pov;

I woke up by the bright light shining through my eye lids. I open them to reveal the blonde boy still asleep beside me. I smiled at how we were positioned.

He was laying on his back, I was laying on my side with one arm across his chest, and my one leg was I between his two.

Ross started to toss is his sleep, he bumbled into me, causing us to tip the chair. Ross fell on top of me. He was now fully awake. " What happened?" He groaned. He stood up and pulled me with him.

"You made us flip the chair. " I flip it back up and follow Ross to the door. " Want to go back to sleep? It's only seven." Ross asked as he looked at the clock.

I nod and follow him upstairs. We fell asleep once again.

I was woken up by quite squealing and shushing. I opened my eyes to see Rydel, Riker, Ellington and Rocky standing I front of the end with phones.

" What are you guys doing?" That's when I noticed Ross' arms wrapped around my and our legs are entwined. " Ross, wake up." I sake his shoulder and his eyes snap open.

" What's going on?" He asked in his morning voice, and I have to say it was really sexy.
" Nothing!" They all ran out. " Oh, and breakfast is ready!" Riker popped his head back in.

Ross through a pillow at him as he ran off. Ross turned to me and we both laughed at the same time. I watched as he faces scrunches up as he laughed. I don't think he could get anymore perfect.

After we ate breakfast, we sat on the couch and watched tv. I opened up my phone to see I had 4 messages.
' Where did you go? Mom and Dad are pissed!' It was from Dylan.
' Please tell me your okay! Text me please, I'm worried.'
The next two were form my parents.

' Get the hell home now!' It was my mom. The next one was my dads. ' Your going to regret leaving. You made the wrong fucking choice.'

I know I said that you'll find out a lot of stuff, I lied. :/
I'm going to make that in the few chapters. I changed my mind on how it's going to work. Sorry. :/


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