Chapter 2

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" What is happening?" I asked hanging my bag up on the rack. I walked over to Dylan, being a little scared because they were giving me the death stare.

" You skipped three of your classes!" My dad yelled angry stepping towards me. I quickly shook my head. " No it's not like that I-" my dad cut me off.

" Shut up and go to your room. " I sighed angrily and ran up the stairs and into my room. I jumped onto my bed and pulled out my phone. I looked at the lock screen carefully.

It was a picture of my 10th birthday. The lynch's and I were at the beach playing football. I smiled, I was so happy back then, no care in the world. I had my best friends, I had an amazing life. I had everything.

My favourite memory from my birthday, was when Ross had the idea of shoving the cake in my face. Which ended in a cake fight.

My door opened and closed. I didn't bother to look up because I already knew it was Dylan. He always checks up on me after I get yelled at, or I'm upset.

" Hey." He whispered. I looked over at him. I turned onto my side. "Hey." I sighed. He walked over and sat at the edge of my bed. I sat up against the head board.

" So what really happened?" He asked. I crossed my legs as I hit my head of the headboard. " I was shoved and locked into a closet."

" Jeff?" He questioned. I nodded. " I don't know what happened to him. He always use to be nice and now he's, he's the biggest jerk ever!" I through my hands up in the air.

He sighed. " He wasn't the right guys for you anyways." I looked him in the eye. He always told me never to trust him, but I never listened. And now, he was right.

" I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I guess I was just to into it to actually see it." He looked around the room until he spotted a picture of Ross, Riker and I.

He went and picked it up. " You really miss them don't you?" He asked looking at me.
" Way more then anyone would ever know." I frown.

" Anyways, that's not way I came in here. I came in here to tell you to pack." I looked at him, slightly confused. " Why? And, what's with the boxes all around the house?" I asked.

He smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. Why was he smiling? " We're moving!" He cheered. I still didn't get why he was so happy.

" And what's so amazing about that? All that means for me is that I will be probably be bullied even more for being the new kid." I explain.

He shook his head. He's still smiling. Okay, what is happening. " We're moving to L.A!" My mouth slight dropped. It soon turned into a smile. Then into a frown.

" What was that?" He asked referring to my facial expressions. " He probably doesn't even remember me anyways."

I went under neath my bed and grabbed my suit case. I opened my top drawer and started taking out my shirts. Then my pants, shorts and pjs.

" You never know." He shrugged as he walked out. I left 2 outfits for tomorrow and the next day. After a few hours of packing, I had everything done. All I had left was my dresser, nightstand and bed.

It was now 7 o'clock so I took a shower. I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room. There was a plate of food. I smiled.

So this is my second chapter!
I'm so excited to write this book!
Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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