Chapter 14

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Wait! Before u read, I need to tell u something. I had an accidental typo so Aunt Philly is Mr.Schuster's sister. Kay? Okay, u may proceed.


"Jake?" Holly said stunned still holding her wet sundress, but only for a moment before she crashed against him, again. Slipping on the wet floor behind Holly, Sam crashed into Holly.

"Oops sorry I ..." Sam laughed as he extended his hand for her. But his attention was caught by the person beneath her. "Jake Fields? Is that you? Tell me you are not Aunt Philly's 'special guest' Things are going to be even better!" He wooped letting go of Holly's arm and exchanging the Titans greeting with Jake.

"We should stop meeting like this" Jake said mentioning the cinema fall, as he massaged his chest which caught the brunt of Holly's weight. Holly thanked the saints Sam manipulated his attention away from her crimson face. Stupid, stupid, stupid, she thought and quickly stood up with Sam's help.

Out of no where, Shaun appeared next to Holly and put his hand over Holly's shoulders as he observed the new comer. Sam did the introductions while Jake and Shaun gave each other a measured look. "Aww darn. My dress is all ruined", said Holly looking at her dress that had ripped as the hem caught on a piece of wood of the railings when she fell.

"I could walk back with you to change?" Shaun offered.

"I should do it, coz I caused it." .Jake replied. A moment of awkward silence reigned before Holly quickly responded.

"Oh it's alright. I'm fine. I will go myself. Thanks for your offers" Holly embarrassed at the attention.

"In that case, here take my jacket." Jake took off his Titans jacket which he was never without and handed it to Holly. Sensing the rising tension in Shaun, Holly quickly rejected the offer.

"I said I'm fine" Holly said aggravated by the sudden show of possessiveness that was uncalled for. They were all her friends and nothing more. She would have a chat with them and make sure there were no repeat of "awkward moments". Suddenly there was a loud rumbling noise from Sam's stomach. He blushed like a tomato making everyone laugh.

"I thought I heard you guys here!" Amelia Schuster came out from the barbecue area.

"Come on! We have already started. You all must be starving!" she continued.

"You must have heard Sam's stomach." Holly added snidely causing another round of laughter.

"I'm gonna get you." Sam took off after her at the direction of the dining area.

She quickly ran to the picnic table that was already full of people and paused to greet her grandma who was in the seated next to Aunt Philly.

"Grandma! How are you? she gave grandma Schuster a hug finding comfort in the familiar smell of talcum and hairspray.

"Hello sweetie, still fooling around with Sam, I see." Grandma said with an indulgent smile looking over Holly's shoulder at Sam who was waiting to greet her.

" I would have thought it would be other guys you were fooling around with since you grow prettier every year, squirt." said Grandpa Schuster seated at the head of the table.

"You two, over here and give your grandpa a hug before he dies of jealousy!"

Soon the quiet picnic was interrupted by greetings between family members who hadn't seen each other for a year and the guests who were a little envious and in awe of the warmth they shared.

"Now Sam.. You better treat your sister well or i won't give you your present!" Grandma said.

"Ooh! Presents?" a girl with blonde hair called from the other end of the table.

"Is that who I think it is??" Holly thought.

"Yes, presents Cassie." Grandma Esther chuckled at Cassie's smiling blue eyes as she a

looked at 3 gaping faces , Sam, Shaun and Jake's

Cassie. The name brought back a lot of memories. She is Aunt Philly's and Uncle Bob's daughter, meant she was Holly's cousin. She never came for the retreats because she was at boarding school in the UK. She was a major queen diva even though Holly only met her once over Christmas and that was enough for Holly to remember for the rest of her life. When they were 10, Holly invited her to go ice-skating near their house. She complained about everything until she caught sight of Daniel who was also skating. She was so flirty with Daniel that Holly had to pick up her skates and leave as Cassie had gone off with Daniel. After that Cassie was too busy to pick up after herself as it was Daniel this and Daniel that. Holly couldn't wait for Christmas to be over so that she could say goodbye to her. That was the last time she saw Cassie since she started boarding school.

"Hi Hols! Mum says I am rooming with you", declares Cassie.

"Mum?," objected Holly

"Yes you are honey." Amelia Schuster confirmed in a tone that said she would not tolerate any objections.

"I am sorry, Holly. We are the ones who took Cassie's room" explained Annie, Jakes's mom seated next to Sylvester Fields, Jake's dad.

"YAY! ROOMIES!" Cassie screamed and hugged a dismayed Holly.

"What about me?" Melanie, Jakes's 7 year old sister in pigtails asked pleadingly.

"Don't worry Mel, you are rooming with me and Cassie too." Holly took the opportunity to not be alone with Cassie and gave her a big hug.

"Don't I get a hug, Cassie?" Asked Sam with a grin while Shaun and Jake looked expectantly.

"Wow, you sure have changed." Sam followed the remark with a lusty look at Cassie who had curves at all the right places that was showcased in a tiny neon pink bikini.

"That reminds me dude, we are sharing a room too." Jake said distracting Sam.

"Sam, you can bunk with me." Shaun spoke up.

"Why, does this mean I can have access to your climbing gears? " Sam teased Shaun who pushed his grinning face away. "Nah, I think Jake's porno magazines are more attractive." Sam grinned mischievously and got a napkin thrown at his head from Jake.

Looks like the holidays has just begun.


OOOHHHH Cassie. Hehehehehe picture to the right-------> is Holly's dress! This chapter is dedicated to the awesomest writer Eva! I love ur books!

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