Chapter 16

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"RISE AND SHINE KIDS! TODAY IS THE SCHUSTER HUNT." Grandpa Schuster announced enthusiastically as he threw open the door to the kids cabins.

"Argh..does it have to be today?" Holly grunted from the couch while pulling her blanket over her head.

Every summer the highlight of their retreat was the hunt. They would be divided into groups and the group that brings back he most birds would be declared the winner and get to wear the Davy Crocker beaver hat said to have belonged to the greatest hunter, that would be great, great grandpa Schuster. Holly was not looking forward to this year's hunt as she was not sure whom she will be paired with. Her mum and aunts had already declared they were too old for it and preferred to prepare to cook the spoils of the hunt by building a bon fire while they hunted to keep the tradition alive. Holly wished she could beg off like her mum but knew that her Dad and Sam would not let her off.

"Hey honey, what are you doing sleeping outside?" asked Granpa.

"There's only 2 beds in each room. So Cassie and Melanie each took one. And I was left with the couch." Holly explained with her hair against her closed eyes.

"Aw, you are such a sport, honey that's why you re my favorite granddaughter! " Mr.Schuster said patting Holly's head.

"I am your ONLY grandaughter, grandpa" Holly corrected.

"Now could you help wake up the others? We are having breakfast at the cafe. You can all walk there together. Now, I have to inform Uncle Bob and the rest. Thanks Holls, you're the best!" he said and patted Holly's head again before rushing off to the other cabins.

Holly dragged her feet toward the boys' room and banged on it. "WAKE UP DOOFS!" Then she turned around and walked into the girls room, which was right opposite.

"RISE AND SHINE CUPCAKES! IT'S HUNTING DAY!" Holly said as she threw the curtains open. She got a grunt from Cassie who threw a pillow at her. Melanie sat up rubbing her eyes and asked, "What's hunting day?"

"Oh it's a day where all the teenagers and men from the families compete with one another in groups to see who brings back the most birds. Look, you could stay with the women and prepare for tonight's feast" explained Holly.

"That sounds like fun!" Melanie said jumping up out of bed and rushing for the loo.

"It does? Now, quickly get changed we are gonna have breakfast soon." Holly said passing her some clothes.

"Cassie wake up! We have to get ready quick!" Holly said shaking her.


"We'll I was gonna!" Holly huffed and slipped on a purple tank top, which were the same shade as her eyes and some cut-offs.

"I'm gonna go check if the guys are awake. Help me get Melanie changed. And please Cassie, don't wear a dress or some frilly thing, we are going for a hunt, not some fashion shoot."

"I can wear what I damn well please." Cassie announced at Holly's retreating back.

"WAKEE UPPPPP!" Holly screamed when she saw that they had not awakened yet.

She got grunts from all of them.


Sam and Shaun instantly shot out of their beds and ran for the toilet. While Jake was still curled up in a ball. "JAKEEEEE! WAKE UP!" Shaun called from the toilet.

"Yeah yeah..." came Jake's muffled reply from underneath his pillow. He came up from his bed wearing nothing but sexy boxers. Holly just stared at the packs that vibrated as he stumbled towards the toilet. "You mean you don't wear anything else to sleep?" asked Holly speaking off her mind. Jake came instantly awake. He swung around wondering if he had dreamt it, while Holly stood mentally slapping herself for out loud what was in her mind. When Jake's eyes finally located the source of the remark he filled the embarrassed moment with a self-conscious negative shake of his head and explained how it became too hot and humid in the night. "Oh" was all Holly could managed before her violet eyes broke contact with his crystal blue ones. She quickly scooted out of there.

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