Chapter 17

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"Melanie! you come out now, its not funny any more," shouted Holly for the fifth time.

A worried Holly started panicking.

" Oh dear we've lost her. Wasn't she here just now? Shaun, where did she go?Please put me down so that I can look for her"

"Calm down Holls, lets get to the cafe quick to inform the rest."

"No! I 'm going to find her! Oh my Thor, she is only 7. She will be scared to death. Put me down and let me trace my way back to the trail we came through just now."

"And just how are you going to do that, with your leg like that?" Shaun replied, refusing to let Holly down.

"It's not that bad, I can hobble along slowly while you go for help...."

"No, we shouldn't split up...Look, I don't want you lost as well," Shaun replied calmly as he continued toward the cafe as fast as he could.

He burst onto the family breakfasting, heaving under Holly's weight. Before he could say anything, Holly screamed, "MELANIE IS MISSING!" and burst into tears. Everybody went into action especially Paul and Jake who wanted to know where they last saw her.

"I'll call the ranger" Shaun's dad, Paul said after getting the details from them.

"What happened?" Jake's mum, Annie asked worriedly.

Shaun had to explained as Holly's mum took her to the side to examine her ankle.

In less than 10 minutes, Ron Wills the park ranger and his colleague arrived to organize and take over the search.

"Hi, Paul has given me the details and we want to move quickly before sun down. I need Shaun to guide me to the places Melanie and you went through.",he said to Shaun who nodded in agreement and went to get a bag for supplies.

Ron, who has been a ranger for 20 years also assured everyone that the best they could do was stay where they were and be prepared with first aid when Melanie returned.

Despite her injury, Holly felt that she could help and asked if they could form another search group which would make the possibility of finding Melanie faster. It was finally decidedly that they would all split up into two big groups. One group will be led by Ron and the other will be led by Paul who knew the place well.

Holly, Sam, Jake, Mr. Fields (Jake's dad), and Cassie joined Paul. While Shaun, Mr.Schuster and Uncle Bob followed Ron.

Mrs. Schuster was reluctant to allow Holly to join the search.

"Honey, are you sure you can do this? You should just stay and rest that ankle and let Shaun handle this".

Before Holly could reply, Jake came and scooped her up in his arms, bridal style and said,"This way she won't have to put pressure on her ankle. I'll make sure she doesn't strain it, mam."

Holly's mum relented, but asked that he make sure she doesn't do anything stupid that will hamper their search for Melanie. Holly turned grateful eyes up at Jake even though his actions shocked her a bit. But she was more concerned with Melanie to think about anything else.

"Could we hurry up, Mr.Wills is briefing them already,"interupted Holly impatiently.

Jake carried Holly to the open space outside the porch of the cabin earning him a glare from Shaun. "Please have your walkie-talkies on at all times and stick together. When anyone finds Melanie, radio in and return to camp. Group 1 led by me will for search for Mel around the jetty while the other Group 2 will look around in the forest. Be back by 14:00 hours. Okay people, move out!" Ron called.

Holly was starting to feel the strain in Jake's arms after 20 minutes tracing the way Shaun brought them through the forest. They had just past the huge oak which Shaun had pointed out to Melanie and Holly requested to take a break. Jake's father, Mr.Fields and Sam said they will move on ahead and come backwards for them.

"I think you should put me down and rest",said Holly to Jake.

"Yeah, didn't realize ballerinas weighed a ton", Jake replied letting her down gently on a huge protruding root under the oak. Cassie who opted to rest as well tittered.

"And I thought the biceps in your arms could carry more than a ball, Captain," replied Holly sarcastically.

"You sure have big arms," added Cassie looking at Jake flirtatiously from the spot under the tree she had chosen to rest.

"Hey, look its a piece of orange coloured cloth. It's Melanie's, I'm sure of it. She was wearing an orange T with black tights this morning." Jake quickly checked the ground near the shrubs where the piece of cloth was found. There were smaller footsteps mingled with larger one's leading into the shrubs.

"I'm going with you!" Holly announced from where she was seated as she could see that there was a hidden path leading behind the shrubs.

"Look, I think it's better if you two stay here while I check it out," said Jake.

"Jake Fields, the ranger said not to split up without informing the leader," Holly reminded him.

"You can radio it in, I'm not going to wait for my Dad when Melanie cold be lying injured a few meters away from me" Jake said.

"Then, I am going with you," declared Holly who stood up on one leg and hobbled after Jake.

"Hey, wait for me, I'm not going to be left alone here," Cassie wailed. Jake muttered something under his breathe about stubborn girls before scooping Holly up again. "You don't have to do this, I can walk," Holly said while trying to wriggle out from his arms.

"I swear to you if you move again I am going to turn you over and spank you so hard..." growled Jake in response to Holly. Since she would rather die than suffer that kind of humiliation in front of Cassie, Holly fumed quietly and promised to get back at him later.

Behind the shrubs was a worn out trail that appeared to lead into a small hidden tunnel. The opening was not visible from the main trail blocked by the shrubs and roots of the oak. Jake, Holly and Cassie stared at the entrance to the tunnel that was only big enough for one person to crawl in one at a time. "Melanie! Can you hear me? " shouted Jake.

Holly hobbled closer to the opening and found one of Melanie's shoes caught in the bushes a little inside the opening. "Guys,look what I found, it's Melanie's shoe," exclaimed Holly. "Now we know she really came this way, quick we have to follow the trail she might be on the other side,"

"No, I will follow the trail. You and Cassie stay here," said Jake who remembered his promise to Mrs. Schuster.

Suddenly, they heard a soft plead calling for help followed by a whimper. Jake immediately plunged into the opening calling out for his sister. Holly followed more slowly behind him calling out to Melanie to determine the direction and distance of her voice. "Melanie, are you alright?" cried Holly as she crawled in after Jake who tried to reassure a crying Melanie that he was coming for her.

This time her voice came back stronger knowing that both her brother and Holly were coming for her. "I'm alright, just that it's so dark in here and I hurt my leg cause I fell. I'm sorry Holly...its just that I saw a squirrel and I thought I could catch it...but.. I'm so sorry," Melanie ended her litany with a sob. "It's alright honey, we'll be there soon just hang on" Holly replied.

Suddenly, there was a yell and a loud thunk. "Jake!" both Holly and Melanie screamed. There was a loud groan before Jake's voice came from somewhere downward from Holly telling not to move forward any more. From the exchange between Jake and Melanie, it was obvious that he had found Melanie. "Jake, are you all right?" Holly asked. "Yeah, just a bit bruised. I've got Melanie but you have to go back and get help. We need a rope to get out of here. And please be quick, I think we are not the only one's that fell in here, you know what I mean?".

"Ok, I'll be back as fast as I can" replied Holly beating her way back as fast as she can. Half way back though the tunnel she heard a sound to her left.


hey! Sorry for the ultra late update! Having Chinese New Year holidays now:)

Cliffhanger! Hahaha :p


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