Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Holly was seated by the landing outside her cabin trying to absorb all that had happened. She thanked God that she was seating here recalling the events and not floating inside the pit with great great grandpa. She knew who she had to thank.

Suddenly Jake was beside her. Great, just the person she was thinking about and exasperated with.

" Hey, mind if I join you?" He was holding a bottle of soda and looked great in his sleeveless knits and boxers. Holly was not sure she wanted to have that "talk" with him right then as she felt vulnerable and wanted to deal with what happened first before she dealt with him.

Her skimpy baby-doll outfit she wore to sleep also made her self-conscious. She hoped the lights were too dim for him to notice but the sudden flare of his blue eyes told her he noted her attire but he quickly looked away to take a swig from his soda.

"If you'd rather be alone,I 'd be glad to ..."

Holly realized she had not answered him. "No, suit yourself, I 'm guessing you want us to have the talk you promised, right?"

"We'll, it's just as well we can both talk about the whole adventure and come to terms with it." Jake replied as he settled down beside her scooting closer to see her reaction. He didn't want to rile her seeing that she riled easily.

"Really, there's nothing much to talk that hasn't been discussed with my parents, yours gramps and ranger Ron." Holly tried to shrug off the intensity of his eyes as he looked at her. But he looked great with his dark hair sleeked back and still a little damp after his shower. He smelled good too, clean with a hint of soap. Holly scolded herself mentally for noting all that staring back at him like a goon. Yup, he was trouble she thought.

"Yeah, except what happened between you and me." he explained sensing her reluctance to talk about the events nevertheless pushing her to share her feelings with him.

"What happened? Nothing happened between you and me." Holly tried to avoid the topic that she knew would mean a capital 'T'for trouble, turning her head away and allowing her dark brown hair to hide her expression from him. But Jake was not giving up so easily, he brushed her hair behind her ear shocking her with his touch and boldness. She felt his knuckles caress her cheeks like fire and turned to glare at him.

"Yeah? Why are you angry with me? You're still angry with me now."

"I am not angry with you ..." Argh. She was so confused by what she felt. At times she was so exasperated with him she wanted to strangle him but she knew what drove him to be over protective and overbearing at times. She understood men like that. Sam and her Dad would have done the same.

"Look. I know I overreacted a little over you and Mel...coz I didn't want you both to get hurt. I might have over killed it a little bit. " Jake muttered lowering his eyes in embarrassment but determined to apologize for his behavior.

Seeing his remorse, Holly yielded "Yeah, overreacted , big time if my bruised ribs are anything to show for ."

She softened her response with a smile. He responded with his own and reached out his hand to offer her his bottle of soda. She hesitated just a second before taking a swig from it. His blue eyes gleamed at her and suddenly, without warning, he swooped down and kissed her. His lips were gentle as they moved over her lips. When she did not protest, he deepened the kiss tracing his tongue over the seams of her mouth. Holly barely stopped herself from moaning before she recovered and pushed him away. He allowed himself to be pushed but stared at her flushed face waiting for her to say something.

"What is going on?" Shaun asked from the shadows just outside their cabin door. She had not heard him and neither did Jake. They both sprung apart at being caught. To give her some time to compose herself, Jake answered Shaun who looked jealous and belligerent.

"What does it look like, Shaun?"

"It looks like you are poaching on my territory." Shaun answered tersely looking daggers at Jake.

"Shut up Shaun, it's not what it looks like." Holly replied closing her eyes and pulling her fingers through her hair unwilling to acknowledge the tension in the air but knowing that it was just going to get worse.

"Yeah, you are telling me he didn't just try to suck out your tonsils with his mouth?" Shaun walked toward them without taking his eyes off Jake's. Jake stood up ready for anything.

He was a head shorter than Shaun who tall and lanky. Jake's body was hard muscle and whipcord lean due to all the training. It was obvious who would win if a fight broke out. But Holly was not going to let it happen, she quickly stood up to stand in between both of the.

"Shaun, this is none of your business and I would appreciate it if you would leave us alone for a while,ok?" She could feel his rash, angry jealousy but knew that this was not the time to address it. She had to deal with Jake and the feelings he evoked in her. " I'll see you tomorrow, just give me some time, alright?" She softened her request by reaching out her right hand to touch his arm.

"He's right, I guess, I shouldn't be poaching on other's turf." said Jake looking at her hand on Shaun's arm. "After all, it didn't mean anything, we were just overwhelmed by the events of the day, it'll wear off, I think the psychologist said these things happen when people have been together through a traumatic experience, right?" Jake threw the empty bottle of soda into the bin next to Shaun, shrugged his shoulders and said "Good night." before ambling back to the cabin and straight into the boys' room.

Holly was both shocked and hurt and how the events turned out. She still had her hand on Shaun's arm when Shaun swore at Jakes's retreating back.


Told u i would give u a surprise! be grateful! hahha this chapter is sexy..You know you love this chapter:) VOTE COMMENT AND FAN! Picture to the side is Holly's outfit:)

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