Chapter 2

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"Hi honey, how was gym practice?" asked Mrs. Schuster as she pushed a new batch of cookies into the oven. Holly manages to swipe one before Sam swoops in and grabs the rest.

"MUM! Sam just took ...fine forget it".

"When both of you grow me"

"Hey what are you doing here any way..." asked Holly to Sam who sat with his mouth full of cookies and freshly hair still wet from a bath. He took his time to answer, still grinning from having won his round with Holly. "Why? because I am Mum's biggest fan, ain't that right Mum?". He placed a cookie crumb smack on Mrs. Schuster's cheek. "Renee mentioned that she, you and the guy's were meeting at Butcher's". That got sam's attention. "When?" "Right after you hit the lockers where she sent you?" Holly added snidely. Taking a defensive stance, "Why is it your business, anyways?"

"Well, maybe the fact that she invited me and I refused coz I was hungry and didn't want to puke my lunch sitting in the same booth as you..probably makes its my business."

"All right, enough of it, guys..wash your hands before you touch that," said Mrs. Schuster who pushed the sandwiches toward Holly and Sam who were seated at their kitchen diner. "You are lying...No way Renee would invite YOU to OUR hangouts". Sensing a possible victory, "Maybe she's over you...and was hoping to get you out of the way?" Holly snickered behind her sandwich. But even as she said that she recalled the mysterious phone calls that Renee had been receiving which affected her. Pitying Sam who seemed to be floundering trying to make himself heard having taken a bite of his sandwich and truly concerned for Renee, Holly asked Sam "Is everything all right between you and Renee?" Blubbering something that sounded like "Of course we are. And mind your own business..." Sam glared at Holly and mouthed his words while chewing.

"Just shut up, Sam, you look deranged with ketchup dripping off your chin". Holly looked at her sandwich wondering what was going on. Sam was right, Renee knowing her aversion to Sam and his troupe of monkeys have never invited her to join her when she went out with Sam much less when they hung out with the monkeys.

Sam was already on the phone to Renee checking out Holly's story while she tried to swallow her ham sandwich. Her Mum interrupted " Hey guys now that I got the both of you quiet and together, its time of the year prepare for the yearly retreat to the Great lakes with your grandpa and Uncle Bob. I just got off the phone from Aunt Philly and she says they are bringing another family this year.

"Oh, Mum do we have to...I really need to prepare for the intermediate ballet...its just around the corner and.."

"We go through this each year, Holly and I'm not going to do it again".

"Yeah, Holly...grow up and be responsible..." said Sam gleefully digging in. "Shut up, moron..." Holly took the stairs and slammed onto her bed catching her IPOD as it bounced up when she hit the mussed covers.

Thank God for BFFS. Andrea IM'ed me with a picture attached to it saying:

Hey Holls, I'm in the mall with my mom shopping. I saw this dress it was FABULOUS. U just have to see it. - Drea

OK, we'll see it on Saturday. We r still on? - Holls

Yeah, of coz. I'm so excited I saw a dress I ABSOLUTELY adore. Wait..I'll upload a foto of urs and my Prom Dresses. -Drea

We don't even have dates, and we r alrdy buying dresses? -Holls

Hanks has been interested for as long as I can remember. Was it at Grade 3?- Drea

Oh please spare me...its like saying Robin would make a great pair with u *wiggles eyebrows:)- Holls

u know...maybe u're right... he does look better these days like Niall from One Direction - Drea


Well...its better than not going or going alone:( Besides...I think he makes a good foil for my red hair :) -Drea

*PING, Suddenly a message popped up on Holly's screen:

Hi.. -Sucker.

Who's this????- Holls

No, no I'm not a creep. I just want to chat with you.- Sucker

R u like those trolls who troll the net for victims that u can lure to a place to add to the city's crime statistics? -Holls

U have a very vivid imagination but I assure u I m not.-Sucker

Who r u then? - Holls

*PING, a message from Drea

Hey, Holls are you still there?- Drea

Yeah...just someone butting in..- Holls

*PING, a message from Sucker

Can't tell u my name...yet until u know me better- Sucker

How'd u get my friend's list?- Holls

A secret..but nothing too complicated. -Sucker

Wat do u want?-Holls

I don't want anything...just be friends-Sucker

Yeah? I don't have friends called Sucker- Holls

That's true. Sucker isn't exactly a common name-Sucker

I think I'm gonna unfriend u-Holls

Hey, please...give me a chance-Sucker



Hey guys, i hope u ike this chapter. Would like to hear wat u guys think about it. Hope u'll leave a comment!:D

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