Chapter 27

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Dear Diary,

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. I never thought that my summer with Holly and Sam would be nothing but boring. Actually, I even felt that it was too short especially after what happened on the last I'm still so not over him yet. Shaun the hottie.

I still remember him standing by the door of our cabin with a bunch of pansies he'd plucked. That's right they were for awesome me. Would have paid a million dollars to see stuck-up Holly's face again when she saw him standing with flowers for me and not her.

I will never forget the swim we took in the lake. I actually got to wear my florescent pink bikini which I never thought I would have been able to when I packed, but, anyways that is not why I cannot forget that day. We were swimming a little ways from the dock when I saw his biceps and triceps...he is gorgeous and when he tried to be playful I just leaned into him and placed my lips against his cool ones.

And guess what? I am the first girl he has kissed. Or the first girl who has kissed him..argh...who cares who kissed whom first. Most importantly I have the privilege of giving the first kiss to this hottie. We've promised to keep on touch till this summer. Hmmm... How am I going to convince mum and Dad we need to go back to Green Lakes this summer when I grumbled about it the last time?


The seasons almost over. Summer has ended and this is how heartbreak is suppose to feel? I can't flick her off but I sure can take off all those pictures of her on my wall. We see each other every year. I lost my heart but gain a friend. And Cassie... Interesting. But I can't figure around a girl who kisses first. But I'm cool about it, it's my first girl kiss. It was alright.






All these suggestions from the sophomore prom commitee were met by negative shakes of head or snorts from of the members. They only 2 more weeks to prom after the football season ended and so did cheer leading practices for Holly, Renee and Andrea. Swamped by the rush up to promp preparations Holly had barely enough time to reflect upon her summer holidays before she had to go full swing into cheerleading practices. Now it was the prom and Renee who headed the committee had recruited Holly and Andrea as well. Everyone was still riding in the euphoria of the Cleveland Titans finishing better than last season and wanted to celebrate at the prom. The committee members eagerly shared their ideas.

"I was thinking like, some romance, but not with the "Gone with the Wind" type," says Renee.

"Ok, you want romance but not romance? I don't get it." Andrea said running her hands through her flaming red hair.

"I think what she means is, she wants romance but not the type where it's overwhelming?" Holly joined the discussion.

"Oh I get it, Gone with the Wind is more for the mums and dads, so we are going for the chick type?" Andrea replied causing Thomas, the only guy in the prom commitee to snicker. Helen who had suggested 'Gone with the Wind' was all ready to defend her choice.

There ensued a vigorous debate between Andrea and Helen before Renee called things in order and screamed, "Everybody shut up. Its gonna be Once Upon a Time"

There was a minute of silence before everybody erupted with a resounding "Yeah!"

Except Andrea who said, "Isn't that for babies?"

That earned a groaned from Renee.

"Everyone will come to the prom as their own favourite fairy tale character in costume such as Snow White, Cinderella and so on. Couples can come as respective Prince and Princesses in the fairy tale book." Renee explained to everyone.

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