Chapter 7

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Sorry for the late update! Having holidays now! ENJOY! :D


"Spill it, girl!" demanded Andrea as she sat plopped down next to Holly who was quietly slipping on her hot pink vans after cheerleading practice. She knew Andrea would bombard her with questions especially after Amber's sly remarks as they went through the steps for the upcoming game. "What?" Holly pretended to be caught up with tying her shoe. "Don't give me that 'what, i don't know what Amber was up to kinda look',"replied Andrea. "It was the flowers...that did it right?" She continued.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about." Holly replied getting up and grabbing her bag hoping to avoid the questions that would force her to talk about last nights events.

"You know you are not going to be able to ignore it, right? " Andrea said while she blocked Holly's way and grabbed her arm . "Okay, okay! Calm down, Charlie Brown!" Andrea let go of Holly and sighed.

"Before you came i was taken by Brandon and Amber, and you know what a bitch she is, so..."

"you took the first opportunity to hit back when Jake showed up with Melanie", Andrea finished for her. "Sounds like what I would have done", Andrea added with a grin moving on to her second question, "So.. That's what got Amber in a fit..Oh! I should have been there earlier but Eugene needed to take a leak..I would have given anything to see the look on her face", hitting her palms on her lap in frustration and regret. "I bet Amber was so jealous you landed the lead for the dance so she tried to hit back by rubbing in the fact that she is going out with your ex".

"Yeah, you should have seen her when she saw the roses. Her lips actually trembled but Brandon was worse...he sized up his own Captain like ..." but before Holly could finish, Andrea interrupted.

"Back up back up"

"The part about Brandon getting worse ?" Holly repeated herself.

"No! Back up some more!"

"Amber's lips trembled."

"NO! Back up even more!"

"Jake turned up with roses in his hands?"

"He turned up with ROSES in his hands!?"

"Uhh.. Yeah? So?" replied Holly.

"HELLO?! He turned up with roses in his hands!"

"Uhh yeah.. from his mother probably."

"No wonder Jake's posse couldn't stop yapping about you and Jake... Uh-oh.. Here they come.."

Holly turned from her position where she stood in front of Andrea, just in time to see Amber and her posse, Chelsea and Cathy whispering among themselves "Oh......" Chelsea and Cathy laughed secretively. Holly had disciple problems with Chelsea and Cathy in the cheer leading team. Each time they stopped for break time, both of them could be found on the lines trying to catch the attention of a Titan, Jake being one of them. this morning's practice was particularly grueling for Holly as the posse kept complaining to Coach Sarah about Holly being too fast or too slow. Holly knew that Amber and her posse were bad news as Amber could do no wrong at school as her father was a big donor. She also possessed blonde hair, blue eyes and a body which was curved at all the right places. Amber could have anyone and anything she wanted but always wants what others like Holly have.

Holly ignored them and quickly walked out of the the locker rooms leaving Andrea to deal with them. She went to the gym to collect her Pom poms and her belongings and waited for her brother. The door leading to the field suddenly burst opened and the football players strolled in covered in sweat. Holly spotted Sam immediately. He was goofing around with Bull, Jake, Bulowski and Sly. "Sam! You better hurry up! I got loads of homework to do!" Holly shouted across the gym which made his mates crack up. Sam rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah yeah!" And he stalked to the locker rooms.

Holly decided while waiting, she could do some reading. Holly rummaged in her bag and pulled out Romeo and Juliet, one of her compulsory material for English. She could not ignore the football players coming out of the locker rooms calling out a greeting every now and then all except Jake. Holly hid behind her book when he passed by to get his things and walked into the showers. She was too embarassed at how last night turned out. When Brandon walked out of the locker rooms with his backpack slung over one shoulder, Holly also decided she didn't need to acknowledge him so she lowered her head into her book.

In came Amber running towards him. "Babe, I missed you soo much," she jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his waist giving him a noisy kiss. She whispered something in his ear that made him grin from ear to ear. Holly watched from the benched and gagged at a thought.Then, Amber turned around and spotted Holly sitting by the benches.

Suddenly, as if God was punishing her, Jake strolled out with his hair wet from the showers topless, with a towel slung around his neck. He had his messenger bag on one shoulder. "Oh hi there, Jake!" Amber said loud enough for Holly to hear. Shoot. Where is Sam?!

Jake was startled by Amber's outburst and replied, "Um.. Hi"

"You know it's bad to keep your girlfriend waiting.." Amber smirked and pointed at Holly. Jake seemed confused at first then when he met Holly's eye, Holly gave him 'the look' and he instantly remembered. "Oh, I'm so sorry, babe!" Jake ran towards her and gave her a peck on the cheek. Sam had better not come out now, Holly thought.

Too late.

Sam walked out of the locker room just in time to see Jake plant the kiss on her cheek.


Cliffhanger! hahaha r u guys liking this story? Please comment! I promise I'll answer it! And Vote too! I know I'm getting quite a lot of readers (for me it's a lot) please vote! Pleaseee just press a button and it'll make my day! :D for those who fan, I'll dedicate the next chapter to u! Promise! Thanks for reading!

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