Chapter 23

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Sucker: Are you ok?

The SMS was sent last nite. Holly was not sure if she should reply. She was afraid she'd pour out her anger and confusion to a stranger. After a few unanswered SMS-es to Andrea and Renee, Holly decided to respond to Sucker.

Holly: Y shouldn't I be OK, I'm at camp for the break.

The beep signaling a response startled Holly.

Sucker: So I take it you are enjoying yourself?

Holly: Do you know something that might suggest otherwise?

This time the response came back slower.

Sucker: You still trying to find out who I am?

Holly: Yeah, and if I find out you are Daniel, Jake or Shaun, I'm gonna hit you so hard you are going to regret it.

Holly slammed her phone shut and returned it to her shorts just in time to see Shaun looking at his phone as he paused just outside the door to the lounge area. She had no time to confront him but made a mental note to do so as soon as she got him alone. Her mum waylaid her to try to persuade her to stay with Aunt Philly, Annie Fields and Melanie.

"Holly, we are going to prepare some pastries for great grandpa's wake that Veronica says has been passed down from her grandma and Melanie would love you for company."

"I know mum but I need to close this chapter of my life and I think if I did not go I would always feel like there was some unfinished business. And you know I hate that."

Amelia Schuster gave a long sigh. She knew that when Holly got her head into something she was tenacious. That was how she scored in her exams, led the cheerleading team and still had time for ballet.

"Make sure you don't get into water, mind your ankle and obey orders, Holly Schuster".

Holly hugged her mum before reaching out to get her stuff into the two four-wheelers that had been rented for the expedition. But before she could get it , Jake swooped in from across the kitchen door and carried the bag pack out the lounge door almost bumping into Shaun who could only stare disapprovingly at him.

Holly rolled her eyes and prayed silently that the whole trip would not be spoiled by them trying to outdo one another. She was glad that Ranger Ron had decided that Jake should lead his team to retrieve great grandpa's remains while Shaun was needed to navigate back to where they found the wreck of great grandpa David's boat. Holly could lead them there.

Sam followed Uncle Bob in one car with Shaun and Holly sitting behind. The beep she heard from her handphone would just have to wait.

The amount of jostling and bumping brought Holly closer than she wanted to Shaun at the backseat. He had the audacity to put his right arm over the headrest and it kept brushing her shoulders which made her even more uncomfortable.

Pretty soon, they were where Holly and Jake were found. Memories came flooding back to Holly but she kept focus getting out and retracing the steps that would lead her to the wreck that the found.

She moved slowly with Shaun hovering solicitously behind her making her want to scream. Nevertheless, they finally reached the wreck. The water level had risen the last few days and more parts of the boat was submerged. Holly stayed seated on a rock nearby while Sam and Uncle Bob investigated. While they poked and proded the wreck, Shaun settled down next to her keeping his promise to her Dad and began his investigation.

"So, what's it with you and shorty?"

"It's none of your business, Shaun."

"I want to make it mine." Shaun took one of her hands from her lap to get her attention this time. He gazed intensely at her as he leaned back on the grass bringing her with him. She resisted dropping to her knees and snatching back her hand.

"Look Shaun, why can't we be friends? I know you think you like me more than that but it's gonna make things more complicated." She touched his arm to soften her words. She was not going for the "I like you better as a friend..." ritual. She owed it to him to be frank. He stared at her pleading eyes and tried to pull her in for a kiss. Holly neatly avoided the move standing up and returning to her rock to give him time to recover.

"It's shorty isn't it?" He shoved his hands though his hair and rubbed his face with his other hand before he too stood up. "Do you know how much I wished it was me you were stuck with here when we couldn't find you?" With that he left her to help Sam and Uncle Bob who were trying to move the bow of the boat.

It wasn't long before there was a shout from Sam who had hunkered down to look at the bottom of the rock where the boat had beached itself.

"There's something wedged under this rock. Come help me you guys". He called out.

"Don't tell me you actually think you'd find a treasure chest," replied Uncle Bob chuckling at Sam's enthusiasm.

Sam ignored him and continued to dig with Shaun's help. To everyone's surprise, Sam triumphantly carted out a small wooden old chest with ornate carvings to the beach in front of Holly. The owner's first initial ' D' was still visible even after so many years of salt water corrosion. All four of them hovered excitedly over the chest. There was no evidence of a lock and the keyhole had filled up with coral and bits of sand. One corner that was the contact point between the chest and the rock was exposed and a pile of sand lay spilled out and over.

"Well, what are we doing, open it," urged Sam who was still trying to get over the well-being of uncovering the chest.

"I don't know if I want to know what's inside. Coz if its gold it'll mean..." said Holly who looked at the chest with a mixture of fascination and dread. Her reminder made all of them pause in the act.

"Well, the truth has to be unveiled". Uncle Bob declared before taking a pick to the chest.


Here's a new chapter! Wrote it as fast as I could! Thanks @angellover254!! I hope this one is better than before! Next update will be soon I hope!

What team r u on? Team Jake? Or Team Shaun?:p

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