Chapter 20

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It was obvious that grandpa Schuster struggled to tell the story of his grandfather. His face appeared to have aged after hearing about Jake's discovery. After all this time, 50 years to be exact, he never thought he would hear or see anything about his grandpa Schuster any more. His own father would not have believed it if he was alive to hear about it.

"I was just a young boy, who had seen 7 summers when my grandpa the great hunter, David Schuster who had so much life in him suddenly lost that glint in his eyes which always made me sit up and listen. He changed overnight. I remember it was when Doc Harley, the town doctor left the house after looking in on grandma. She hadn't been well coughing into the night especially during the cold winter. She thought I couldn't hear her but I did every night until she became too weak to cough."

"Gramps started to increase the time he spent hunting, sometimes coming back only at sun rise with a few more hares. I remember my Dad, used to sit to wait for him and I would volunteer to do it with him but he would say "Son, you've got school tomorrow".

"Now the reason I wanted to stay up was so I could hear what they fought about", grandpa's eyes glazed over as he recalled the time.

"One night, I creeped out to the landing outside the bedroom to eavesdrop and this is what I heard".

"Look pa, you've got to stop running. It's already 5 in the morning and there's not many more mornings you're gonna get with her" said my Dad to grandpa David who came home this time with a few wild birds drenched to his bone.

"Yeah, I know son, that's why I am working harder to find that damn beavecoon".

This made my dad real mad. "What ? you still looking for that silly dream of yours when ma is dying?"

"You shush your mouth before you wake her? And it's not a 'silly dream'. When I find that beavecoon it's gonna make your ma better".

"When are you gonna stop dreaming, Pa? No animal real or not will make ma better."

There was a quiet moment before I heard grandpa whisper "At least I got to try".

"About a week later, 3 things happened that changed our lives. The local bank money that usually shipped in every 3rd week of the month was missing. There was a great storm that night and grandma passed away with all of us beside her. Grandpa came back dripping wet from the storm and rushed up the stairs to hold her hand and tell grandma to hold on coz he's got the cure." Grandpa Schuster had to stop to wipe away the tears that had welled up in his eyes. Grandma and Michael, Holly's Dad came over to the sofa where he was seated and gave him a hug. "Herbert, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. " said Grandma Esther to Grandpa Schuster. But he just waved them aside and continued.

"When she passed on gripping granpa's hand, he dropped it and ran out of the house, my Dad chased after him but the storm outside stopped him. That was the last time I saw grandpa David. He had left his beaver hat behind which is why I have it today. The next day the sheriff came to see my Dad. At first I thought it was to pay his respects to grandma but I heard him mention the possible connection between grandpa 's disappearance and the bank money. At first my Dad was very angry at the accusations but when the sheriff mentioned how there were witnesses who saw grandpa near the money bags as it was bring unloaded,my Dad had to cooperate and gave his statement to the sheriff.

"Was the money ever recovered?" Ranger Ron broke the silence.

"No, never. Nothing was ever heard of the money or David Schuster but the villagers had long memories and it wasn't long before my Dad sold the house and moved on. "

"Looks like we will have to exhume great great grandpa's skeleton soon to absolve him of the theft, guys" declared Michael Schuster to a resounding yeah from everyone.

Michael began the plans with the help of Ranger Ron to exhume the remains from the location identified by Jake.

"Did grandpa David steal the money, what do you think Holly? asked Mel just before Holly tucked her in. The same question was on everyone's minds but no one dared to ask. "I don't know Mel. I wish I did but come tomorrow we'll know".

"I don't want to go back there Holly"

"Don't worry you stay here with your mom and mine, ok? Now it's been a long day, you need to sleep."


IM BACK AND EXAMS R OVERRRR!!!!! Wat do u think? Oooh adventureeee...I know it's short... But I have a surpriseee!

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