Chapter 18

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Holly turned toward where the source of the sound appeared to be coming from in the pitch darkness of the tunnel. She could see nothing but when the sound was repeated, this time nearer to her she became so scared she could hear her own heartbeat thudding in her ears. She moved back as the hissing drew closer to her. She dragged her feet moving with her hands backwards hoping that whatever that was hissing was not following. Her fear made her move quicker but not before she saw the gleaming green eyes that glittered back at her. She screamed.

Jake and Melanie heard the high pitched scream. "Holly, are you alright?" Jake shouted from the pit he had fallen into. There was no response only a whimpering and shuffling sound before another scream was let loose and Holly tumbled into the same pit on top of Jake.

"We've got to stop meeting like this," groaned Jake who took the brunt off Holly's fall.

Holly was lying on top of Jake hugging him and crying into his hoodie. Melanie who narrowly missed Holly's descent quickly comforted her with a hug.

"Hey, hey it's alright, what happened up there?" Jake asked.

Holly managed to pull herself together and told them about the huge green-eyed animal that threatened her. Melanie was convinced it was a beave-coon.

"Its the beave-coon that led me here, I saw the tail disappearing as I walked pass the oak and thought to investigate when Shaun and you rested on our way home...was it big Holly?"

"I didn't see it Melanie, it was pitch black and....". Suddenly there was a thrashing noise coming from the left side of the cave.

"Listen girls, I don't want to frighten you both but I think the owner of this nest we have invaded is coming for us."

Melanie let out a squeal and moved closer to Jake.

"We need to get outta here fast. Holly, I know your ankle hurts but do you think you can boost Melanie up to the opening while I give you a hitch behind my back?"

"We can try but maybe we can find another way out down here." Holly suggested.

"Um Mel, could I talk to Holly alone for a second, you can do the 'put my two hands thingy' that mum taught you in the car.". While Holly heard Melanie's soft litany, Jake pulled Holly's head near and whispered, "Don't freak out but I think there's a skeleton at the opposite side of us," Jake put his palms over Holly's mouth to mute her gasp after that. When he caught her eyes, he looked pointedly at Melanie whose song was coming to an end and shook his head letting Holly know that Melanie did not know of its presence.

"I want you to keep Mel company while I search for a possible escape," Jake added before releasing his palm over her mouth.

"Are y'all done yet...I running out of songs," declared Melanie. "Yeah sweetie, come over to my side Mel and I'll tell you about Giselle while Jake looks for a way out." She felt Melanie's hand reaching out to her as she settled in beside her but Holly was too conscious of the louder thrashing sound headed towards them and prayed silently that Jake would find an opening soon or Cassie would call out for help when they did not return. She thanked God that it was dark in the hole as she didn't want to think about sitting beside a skeleton.

She could hear Jake moving about and asked Melanie to join her in prayer for help to arrive soon.

"I think there's a tunnel leading out to the lake, I can hear sounds of water and the floor is damp. I'm hoping this does not mean its gonna flood in here, the opening is a tight fit but shouldn't be a problem for both of you," Jake said as he crawled back to them.

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