Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Cleveland High looked like a fairy had added a new wing to it. The fairy lights outside the trees and the lanterns that were strewn over the lawn transformed the lawn outside the hall into a fairy land. The buffet tables were at one end of the hall while pavillions with tall plays were erected at the opposite end leading to doors that opened out to the lawn. The DJ and his crew had finished testing their sound system while the techs had just hung up the glitter ball over the dance floor.  

Guys dressed up in tuxes and suits hoping to be the princes to their dates waited with various kinds of flower corsages for their dates who were crimping and primping in the toilets as the organizing committee had to sacrifice their traditional pick-up to set up the hall. Among them were Sam in his dinner jacket and a T-shirt that said "Charming for you" and Jake in a loose white shirt opened at the neck and tucked into tight black denim with boots and a black patch over his he declaring him Captain without a hook.  

"I know why you chose Hook so that you could wear heels, hah" Sam teased Jake.  

"Very funny...but seriously I hope you don't have any problems with me dating Holly", Jake's tone was serious. 

"You are really funny man, it's only one date it's not as though you're going to marry her!" 

Sam looked at Jake and stopped short when he saw that Jake was serious. "You mean it's not gonna be just one'd have to ask my Dad then". 

"I'm asking you coz you're my friend and I don't want to loose you if anything happened between me and Holly", Jake replied. 

"Hey man relax! We are not gonna let gals get in our way", Sam emphasized it giving Jake a bear hug. 

Just then, the girls chose to come out dazzling the guys speechless. Renee in her teal bue gown and diamanté black ribbon choker was definitely Cinderella who ran into the arms of her charming prince. Andrea in her yellow off shoulder ball gown didn't have to look far for her frog prince who brought hr a black orchid. Jake couldn't believe the vision in a white layered gown with her glossy hair dangling in ringlets behind her as she approached him shyly. He almost forgot to hand her the corsage of small red roses and baby's breath which would have been what the beast would have given his Belle.  

"Hey, where's your parrot, Captain?", she asked to break Jakes's admiring glance.  

"Oh I couldn't find a beast costume so I thought I'd come as a beastly character", he replied glibly drawing her closers to give her a kiss. 

It was early still but because of the couples already on the dance floor the DJ started up with "I see the light". Pretty soon the couples drifted onto the dance floor swaying to the music. Jake pulled Holly to the dance floor too. He pulled her closer and whispered "Thanks for wearing flats," which was so sweet she put her arms around him for a hug.

She was enjoying herself so much until she almost forgot about Sucker. She looked around and saw Renee in Sam's arms with their eyes closed moving in one spot as one. Andrea was draped over her frog until it was difficult to see where she began and where her frog prince ended. She quickly asked Jake to fetch her some punch to clear him out of the dance floor. She scanned the dimmed packed hall for a guy dressed as puss-in-boots. Andrea and Renee turned up beside her to help as promised. "Now how difficult is it to find a guy dressed up as a cat?" asked Andrea. "As difficult as it is to find a frog in this sea of people", Renee rejoined smirking at Andrea. "Hey, he is not a frog, he is the Frog Prince" cried Andrea indignantly. Before Renee could continue teasing her friend, Sam came over and swept her off for another dance.  

"Hi", said Jake balancing 2 cups of punch. "Don't want it to turn warm so I brought it over to you", he said to Holly who turned red as she felt so guilty and embarrassed at her actions. To distract him from Holly's tell-take signs of guilt, Andrea snatched the other cup of punch from Jake and gulped it down to his astonishment. "Sorry, I was just too thirsty, do you think you can fetch me another?" Andrea asked with her pleading innocent look that no one could deny. "I'll go with you to make sure you get to cut the queue". She winked at Holly to tell her she was going to keep an eye on Jake while Holly looked or sucker. 

It wasn't long after Mr. Brown's speech that she noticed a guy wearing a floppy hat standing in the centre of the dance floor. She made her way towards him but the lights dimmed again and she lost sight of the guy in a floppy hat that looked just like one puss-in-boots would wear.  

Suddenly there was a tap on her shoulders and she came face to face with him. She had no time to recover from her shock as the people on the dance floor had parted leaving them illuminated under the glitter ball. Then she heard the MC announcing her and Jake as the prom Queen and King. Throughout the announcement Holly just starred at Jake while part of her registered Sam and Renee beaming at them from the sidelines while Andrea tried to close her mouth which was opened in shock as well. Holly couldn't remember who congratulated her and gave her a hug but she knew she was angry. She managed to accuse Renee, "You knew" to which Renee feigned innocence when she came over to give her a hug.  

Jake sensing her distress decided that he had some explaining to do before everything blew up in his face. He signaled to the MC to delay the traditional dance by the newly crowned King and Queen of the prom to drag Holly to the pavillions. "Listen don't say anything I'll explain". He took his hands and framed her face before he began"I know you are angry but I just want you to know that I wanted to get close to you for so long... but that jerk Brandon made it difficult. Not to mention your brother's warning about you being off limits", Jake saw that her pursed lips were relaxing a little. He became a little more encouraged..."and then I became desperate and enlisted Renee's help...I know it was stupid and Renee told me a million times but she owed me for getting her together with Sam". He looked down and took his hands to run them through his hair feeling foolish "Then I wrangled an invitation through my mum to spend summer with you. Who knew we'd be thrown together in an adventure? His memories of their adventure at Green Lakes actually made her smile. " You wouldn't have given me the time of the day at school after what happened with Brandon... I'm also shorter..." Jake finished lamely. Holly heard his mumbled "not only shorter but short of guts". After he had finished, she took his hands in his and slowly pulled him to the centre of the dance floor again. Renee seeing their appearance signaled the MC to announce the dance by the prom King and Queen. Holly put his arms around her waist and promptly pulled his face near to give him a deep kiss. Applause erupted around them but they were oblivious to it. 


Hey, good news and bad news.  

Bad news,  

This is the last chapter:(  

Good news,  

Im gonna start a new book!

Comment what you think? I know some of u r shocked that Jake is sucker:p hehehe

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