Chapter 20. Endgame

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Warning: Suicidal trigger.

There is a sudden decrease in numbers at the camp, not a lot know what is really going on and the ones who do know something about it don't say a peep. The leader board is under a huge amount of pressure, trying to figure things out while keeping the secret under wrap, but it's not easy to cover the fact that hundreds of people have gone missing at the same time.

To Ruby, it has been 2 sad weeks. Both her sister and angel are gone. That day when Kye didn't come back, she knew something was up. They had strange natural phenomenons all day and by the next morning, she realized it may be worse than what she thought when Gadreel looked at her with a serious look she rarely saw on his face.

"We have to go, but we will come back soon... I will come back to you."

That was basically all he said after a long silent struggle, but where would they go? What would they do? When would they be back? He didn't tell Ruby.

Eventually, she had to pull the ultimately shameless move in her opinion. Tears, a lot of them, and some petty threats to go with. She needed Gadreel to spill a little more.

After a lot of back and forth, he told her that they, the angels, had been called to a mission and it was something they needed to do to get everyone out of this difficult time. Still not specific, but at least it was something. It was not like she could stop him.

Ruby knows the situation in the city has gotten worse every day. She has lost contact with her family a while back. No one can get in and out anymore. She is sick with worries, but the camp is also under strict rules from the directors to ensure people don't sneak out. A lot of them still have families or friends back in Ayham so it is understandable that everyone is sitting on fire. Ruby doesn't like it one bit that Kye and Gadreel are gone at this time, but she can only wait for them to come back.


Their footsteps crunching on dried leaves were the only sounds in the forest. It was quiet, a little too quiet to Kye's liking. It set her nerves on hyper-alert and made her jumpy. The only good thing was she had Michael right next to her who clutched her hand tightly every time he sensed her fear or anxiety rise.

Kye looked around in wonder. Why were they here? It seemed that they were in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but miles of trees in all directions. She could tell, however, that they were not around the camp area anymore.

The natural scenery looked very different. It must be up north somewhere with this many lush green deciduous trees. The air was also dryer and cooler. She even spotted a moose which she knew had gone extinct around Ayham. It was quite a sight.

After walking for a few minutes, Kye saw some movements. By Michael's body language, he was expecting them.

Out of the thick tree line, hundreds of people came out to approach the two of them. Zaaphiel was in front of the group. Everyone was walking in complete silence and order, no one talked or even looked at the others. Somehow, they all stopped at the exact same time, spacing out perfectly.

Michael scanned the group and nodded in approval.


The angels said at once. It was powerful, but they were still using English. Kye knew if they had spoken directly in Enochian as they would among themselves, her ears would've busted. It would not be the filtered version Michael had used with her before.

She had spent a lot of time in his library reading about the angels throughout the years. She wanted to understand more about Michael and his kind, the Heavenly creatures who had been a myth up until recently, the ones who descended and destroyed half of the world she used to know.

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