[ 25 ] stood up.

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better late than ever lol but thanks again for 100k! i appreciate it! 💗 hope yall enjoy!

"what a coward." you frowned, as you sat down on the sofa in the common area. you dropped your phone into your lap then crossed your arms over chest.

"i can't believe him, this is unbelievable. how dare he." you mumbled to yourself as you carefully pulled off your hoop earrings.

unfortunately you'd been stood up by your date. the guy who asked you out on a date, he'd stopped replying to your messages as soon as it was time for the date.

"when i see that asshole on monday, i'm gonna-" you interrupted yourself by shaking your head. "he isn't even worth it." you told yourself.

you sighed softly, deciding that you'd just go upstairs to your room, take your makeup off that you and mina worked so hard on, get undressed and watch [favorite show] while eating [favorite snack] until you fall asleep.

"that sounds lame." you told yourself as you stood up.

"who the hell are you talking too?" you heard a gruff voice ask. you groaned to yourself, already knowing who that voice belonged to without even having to turn around. he's the last person you wanted to see today.

"what are you going here, i thought you had a date or some shit." bakugo asked as he walked over to you. "that's all you've been talking about all week." he added.

you instantly stiffen and your face and ears began to burn. you did tell everyone that you had a date, all week, whenever you had the chance. how embarrassing. you couldn't help it though, you were excited.

"oh that....." you looked down at the earrings in your hands instead of looking at him. "i got stood up, embarrassing, huh?" you straight up admitted, shrugging your shoulders as you leaned against the couch.

"you're kidding?" he looked at you.

"i wouldn't be here right now if i was kidding, would i, asshole?" you looked at him. "i'm not tripping over it though, his loss."

"plus i didn't even like him that much anyway, i like this other guy a whole lot better." you added, looking at him then looking away. "he was just a distraction."

when bakugo heard that fall from your lips, he was a little crushed considering he had a crush on you. he wouldn't let you know that though, not ever. he hadn't realize though that you were talking about him.

"ask him out then." he encouraged you, begrudgingly.

"i'd really like too, but i'm honestly a little scared of his reaction." you sat back down on the couch. he sat down next to you.

"you like someone?" you looked over at him. at that question, his face began to grow red. he really hoped that you wouldn't notice this, but you did. "awww, you really do like someone! you're blushing." you teased him a little.

"shut up!" he grumbled at you.

"who are they? someone in our class or what?" you inquired.

"i said shut up." he repeated himself.

"okay, okay, okay i'm sorry. i'm just teasing a little." you giggled. "well, whoever they are they must be the shit, huh? to get thee, bakugo katsuki to like 'em. lucky too." you looked down at your nails.

"yeah..." he sneakily looked over at you then he realized what you said. "what'd you say?"

"anyways," you stood up from the couch again, "i wish mina was here, i'd ask her if she wanted to go to the mall or something, but she went out with the other girls. i guess, i'll be kicking it by myself for the rest of the day." you sighed softly then started walking to the elevator. he watched as you walked away.

"oh wait!" you snapped your fingers together then looked back at him, an idea had come to mind. "i've got an idea!" you stated out loud.


"what are you going for the rest of the day?"

"training!" he answered.

"you just came from training though." you put your hand on your hip.


"c'mon, it's saturday." you told him. "you're always training, bakugo, take a break sometimes... have some fun or somethin'." you walked back over to him.

"that's your problem, you always wanna have fun." he scoffed. "what the hell do you want?" he furrowed his eyebrows at you.

you took a deep breath before saying, "let's go out! me and you!"

"what?" he questioned you, confused. he didn't expect you to ask him that.

"you heard me, i said let's go out! as in go somewhere!... only if you wanna though!"

"somewhere like where?"

"i don't know, somewhere fun! i'll think of something, just gimme an answer! you in or not?" you smiled. it'd been the first time you smiled since he began talking with you.

he looked down at you then tsked, "i guess i'll do something with your loser ass."

"really? you mean it?" you excitedly asked.

"yeah, you better not pick any lame shit like the mall or something though." he smirked at you.

"the mall isn't lame," you stuck your tongue out at him. "and why would i pick something lame?"

"because you're fuckin' lame." he began walking to the elevator. "i'm going to go take a shower and get dressed, i'll be down in a little while." he pressed the elevator button to go up. the elevator doors opened soon after.

"alright, i'll be here." you smiled as you waved at him when he got into the elevator. you waved at him until he doors closed up. once, they did you started jumping around the common area in excitement.

you were so happy you were alone.

"i'm so fuckin' great, i'm so fuckin' great!" you cheered to yourself. "i got myself a date, i got myself a date!" you giggled. "and with the guy i like! ahhh!!! good for me!" you whispered to yourself with a big, goofy smile on your face.

all you had to do now is sit there and wait for him to come back down.


it's been a long time since i've written anything, i hope yall enjoyed. thanks for reading! ❤️

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