[ 002 ] the jog.

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"how the hell did you get behind me, idiot?" bakugou questioned you

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"how the hell did you get behind me, idiot?" bakugou questioned you. yes, you were indeed behind him, by a couple of feet in fact. you were sweaty and slightly out of breath from all the running you had done.

"you're going way too fast, asshole." you panted as you rested your hands on your hips, trying  to catch your breath. bakugou rolled his eyes at you, waiting for you to catch your breath.

"just give me a minute. i'll be good in a minute." you reassured him as you opened your water bottle then started to gulp down the water.

"if i knew you were going to be this slow, then i would've left your ass behind." he commented. you raised your middle finger to him then stopped drinking the water.

"i'm not slow!" you yelled as you wiped your face with your face rag. "we're supposed to be jogging, not running like you are."

"tsk. is all you can do is come up with dumb excuses?!" you ignored him then sat down in some near by grass. you needed to rest for a little bit, before going back to jogging.

"what the fuck are you doing?!" bakugou walked over to where you were sitting.

"i'm taking a much needed break, if you don't mind." you looked up at him as he looked down at you with his usual angry face. "and if you don't like it, then you can go on 'bout your business." you waved him away.

bakugou sucked his teeth then he sat down next to you in the grass. he decided that he could take a break for a few minutes.

"why did i sit here?" you questioned yourself as you closed your eyes then laid down on the ground. "where the sun is directly shining on my ass? fuck i'm already hot."

it was true, the sun was directly shining on you making your skin glow. bakugou couldn't help but stare at you, which he often found himself doing.

to him, your beauty was captivating (he'd never admit it to you though). everything from your plump lips, to your nose, to your kinky/curly hair, your curves, even to your beautiful, warm brown skin.

sometimes it did confuse him on why he was so infatuated with you. he was confused because he'd never felt this way about a girl before. he did want to tell you these feelings, but at the same time he just couldn't find the courage yet to confess to you.

"am i that pretty? so pretty that you always have to stare at me?" you questioned him as you opened your E/C eyes, looking straight into his red ones. he immediately looked away when your gaze caught his eyes. "or are you staring at my boobs?"

"i'm not staring at you, idiot!" he shouted at you.

"why are you lying? i literally felt your eyes on me. but there's no reason to be embarrassed because you were looking at fione ass Y/N." you snickered as you gestured down at your body.

"i'm going to fucking destroy you, L/N." bakugou threatened, as a small explosion popped from his palm.

"yeah, yeah, yeah." you shrugged him off, ignoring his empty threats.

"it isn't a crime to find me fine." you teased him as you stood up from the ground.

"i'm going to blow you into pieces if you don't shut the fuck up!" he let another small explosion pop from his palm again. by this point, bakugou's face had turned red. he was flustered.

"okay, okay i'm done." you chuckled as you grabbed your water then started to stretched. "come on, i'm ready to go." you told him.

"whatever, i'm not waiting on your slow ass this time though." he stood up from off of the grass, then started to run without you.

"wait for me! don't run so fast!" you whined as you started running after him.

"she's so fucking annoying." bakugou rolled his eyes to himself.


written: 8.24.19

publish: 9.3.19

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