[ 27 ] halloween.

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"oh no." you frowned, instantly stopping yourself from rubbing your husband's back. you sensed trouble coming near your home, you safe place. it honestly wasn't even trouble for you both, but more so an annoyance that would surely interrupt your peace.

"what's wrong?" your husband grumbled as lifted his head from your lap.

you sighed softly, shaking your head, "humans again. i think they're children again." you got up from your place in bed.

"stupid fucking humans, always fuckin' disturbing us." your husband, katsuki grumbled as he got up as well. "i'll handle them this time."

"oh no no no no no," you shook your head at him, you quickly walked around to his side of the bed, you gently pushed him back into bed, careful not to use all your strength (not that it'd really hurt him), "there's a full moon tonight, remember, wolf boy? it'll be out soon you've gotta take it easy, you know you could transform any minute now, and besides it's my turn!" you told him as you booped his nose with a smile, showing your sharp fangs.

"i'm not some-" he tried arguing with you but you interrupted him.

"nope! i don't care! remember what happened last time you went after humans on a full moon?"

"tch. you had blood to drink for a while after that, didn't you?" he looked up at you with a smirk.

"not the point." you rolled your eyes at him. "the point is you get out of control when it comes to protecting me, even if i don't need it, and i don't want you to hurt those children." you smiled to yourself as you carefully took your bonnet off, you secretly liked when he got so protective over you though.

"since when do you care about humans?"

"i don't, but i won't bring harm to human children though.... not physically anyways. they are an exception." you told him. "human adults are a different story though." you shook your head.

"you're getting soft." he teased you with a smirk that graced his handsome features.

"as if! i've always been this way!" you defended yourself.

"next thing you know, you'll stop hunting humans." he teased further.

"would never!" you said in protest as you fluffed out your afro. "i do love scaring them though. they're little screams of horror are so fun. they feel me with joy." you giggled to yourself as you grabbed your black robe from your closet then put it on.

"whatever, softie. just hurry back."

"i'm the queen of the vampires, love!" you said as your twirled around. "never been soft before, well..." you shook your head.

as you walked back over to him, ever so gracefully. he carefully watched your every move as if you were prey and not a dangerous predator just like him.

"well... i've only ever been soft for you, my love. that's how it always been though, huh?" you grabbed his chin, you leaned down to kiss his lips softly. he kissed your lips back.

you pulled away then looked him in the eyes, chuckling, "stop looking at me like you're going to eat me."

"can't help it, you look good enough to eat."

"you don't say?" you giggled before standing up straight again, you kissed his cheek leaving behind a red lipstick strain.

"yeah, so hurry back." he told you as he slapped your ass when you turned around causing you to gasp.

"oh! you're too much, katsuki!" you giggled. "i will be back in less than five minutes!" you declared as you started walking to your room door. he watched as you did, even if you weren't directly looking at him you could keep him staring. if you were able to produce body heat, your face and ears would be burning.

"you'd think that'd get tired of being scared, guess not though. i'll try not to overdue it this time though." you said as you exited the room.

"less than five minutes, my darling. do not worry, but do scream if you need anything! i will be there." you shouted as you made your way down the hall.

"i'm counting!" he shouted back.

"of course you are, you're so clingy." he was especially clingy when the full moon came out.

"like hell i am!"

"it's alright, my love!i love it y'know!" you laughed as you made your way down the grand staircase

you felt a tingle of sadness though as you made your way to the giant double doors that were the entrance to your home. you hated leaving him alone on nights were there was a full moon, even if for just a minute. you always liked being there for him through the whole night.

you sighed softly as you opened the doors, you put the robe's hood over your head, afterwards you slipped away into the cold, dark night.

you were so very eager to return to your werewolf husband.


i'd absolutely love writing more about the reader and a werewolf bakugo. i think it'd be interesting . i had fun writing this though and thanks for reading!

written: october 9, 2021
published: october 9, 2021

also if yall have names for this pls lmk ok byeeee

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