[ 11 ] weak.

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usually, you were calm and collected

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usually, you were calm and collected. but that cool and collected act went straight out the window when you saw him. him being your crush, the one and only bakugou katsuki. when you got around him, you became nothing but weak and anxious.

you felt like you always made a fool out of yourself when you interacted with him or even were close to him. you absolutely hated yourself for it, especially when you actually got to think about what happened.

you liked him — you wanted to be with him, but you knew he'd never go for it. you honestly didn't know what to do. many times, you tried hard to fight it, but it never worked.

bakugou was who your heart wanted you to be with, point blank period. he was the common cure for this.

you sighed softly, thinking about your situation. you didn't know what to do especially when you could barley even talk to him without getting weak in the knees and saying something dumb.

you didn't even think you had the courage to tell him either, you were to afraid to do so. you were afraid of being turned down, that would so damn embarrassing.

"hey big hair." you were snapped out of your thoughts. you immediately recognized the voice and the nickname, it was the voice of the boy who make you feel this way.

you turned your head around to him to see what he wanted. you were so happy that you were sitting down on the couch in the common area. you probably would've somehow fell on your ass.

'don't fuck this up, L/N. just be normal, just be normal!' you told yourself in your head.

"y-yes?" you stuttered which made you mentally face palm yourself. you hated yourself for that. how could you betray yourself and STUTTER like that in front of him.

you bit your bottom lip, just to make sure you wouldn't accidentally say something fucking stupid.

"are you using the damn TV? we wanna play video games?" bakugou said as he gestured to his friends who were standing behind him.

"um..." you opened your lips, searching for the correct words to use. you couldn't find them, your mind had gone blank.

"well, are you or not?" bakugou impatiently asked you. you could see the look and see the look of irritation on his beautiful face.

"oh, um, no. i'm not watchin' anything, y'all g-go on ahead!" you nodded your head, you smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

he looked at you weirdly, then he started to get the game ready.

you noticed that look, you frowned to yourself. you did it again, but at least it wasn't as bad as last time.

you started to fluffed your afro. that was all you really could do right now at this moment. you were so embarrassed, you couldn't even keep your head up.

"hey Y/N." kaminari said when he sat down next to you. "your hair looks good today! did you change it since yesterday?" you did. you had a low ponytail yesterday.

"hi kaminari, and yes i did change it." you nodded your head at him with a small smile.

"you guys ready to get your asses kicked?" bakugou questioned his friends as he sat down right next to you.

you tensed and your heart started beating way more than he was before when he sat down next to you. you couldn't believe it, he sat next to YOU of all people.

'just great, another chance to make myself look foolish.' you thought to yourself as you looked down at your hands.

you exhaled then looked towards the TV and watched them play their video games. as they played the game, you snuck glances at bakugou, unbeknownst to him.

you really couldn't help but look at him, even if it was unintentional.

'i need to stop, before he catches me. if he does, he'll probably think i'm a creep or something.' you thought to yourself as you stood up from the couch.

you picked up your phone and earphones. you decided to just go back to your room before he really, really caught you.

"you're leaving?" kaminari asked you, if you didn't know any better you'd say the look on his face looked... sad.

"uh yeah, i got to figure out something to do with my hair before monday." you looked down at him with a small smile.

"oh okay." he nodded his head at you.

"i'll see you guys later." you waved at them, then started walking to the stairs. you sighed softly to yourself as you started to think about bakugou again.

there really was never a time where he wasn't on your mind and you hated it.

let's thank SWV for making their song weak, bc that song was my inspiration for this imagine.

written: 1.11.2020
published: 1. 25. 2020

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