[ 19 ] spring cleaning.

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"you told me to take this chance and learn the ways of love,my baby, and all that it has to offer

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"you told me to take this chance and learn the ways of love,
my baby, and all that it has to offer.
in time you will see that love won't let you down."

"what the fuck is that?" katsuki asked himself, sleepily. his red eyes fluttered opened slowly, the first thing he noticed when his eyes opened was that you were not by his side like you always were.

he rubbed his eyes, then looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. it was still early in the morning, earlier than you usually got up on the weekends when the both of you were off from work.

"you said that you loved me; said hurt only came to pass me.
it sounded so convincing that i gave it half a chance
and learned the ways of love, my baby.
there is so much love inside me,
and all that i have i'll give my all to you;
all, all my love, baby and"

he realized that it was music being played through a speaker. he yawned again, then got out the bed. he stretched a little, then walked out the bedroom.

as soon as he walked out the bedroom that you and him shared, the first thing that hit his nose was the smell of cleaning supplies. bleach especially. his nose scrunched from the smell.

"oh katsuki! did i wake you up?" you asked him as you briefly stopped scrubbing the counter and swaying your hips to the playing music. you went over to your phone then turned it down a little.

"no." he shook his head as he walked over to you. "what the fuck are you going up so early though? you're never up this damn early."

"we've been really busy lately, so while i was just laying in the bed this morning. i decided that today was the perfect time to get started to our spring cleaning." you shrugged your shoulders.

"what's with the music?" he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"nothing much." you shrugged your shoulders. "it's just so boring to clean in silence and my momma used to play music when me and my siblings had to clean. i'm pretty sure every black mother does it." you explained.

he nodded his head in understanding.

"when i was younger though and i woke up and music on a weekend, i immediately acted like i was still asleep because i knew what was up." you chuckled at the memory.

"that seems like some shit you'd actually do." katsuki told you, pulling you closer to him. you smiled up at him.

"can you blame me? who wants to clean up after being up all night? definitely not me." you shrugged your shoulders.

he chuckled then moved his hand down to your ass, giving it a playful squeeze.

"babe." you gasped, laughing.

"what?" he asked as he rested his hands on your ass.

"did you have enough last night?" your eyebrows knitted together looking up at him.

"obviously not."

"you should've." you rolled your eyes playfully, as you broke away from his grasp. "help me clean up a little, so we can make breakfast together." you smiled as you walked back over to your phone, so you could turn up the music.

"what the fuck do you want me to damn do?"

"sweep!" you handed him the broom. he nodded his head at you, then started sweeping.

"what we're gonna do is go back,
everybody move your body
now do it
here is something that's gonna make you move & groove
hey d.j. keep playing that song, all night
on and on and on."

you nodded your head and swayed your hips as hey mr. d.j. by zhanè played from your speaker. katsuki smirked watched as you did so in amusement.

you didn't even notice that we was looking at you as you continued scrubbing.

soon that song went off, then another played. as it did, you and katsuki continued to clean. katsuki never took his eyes off you though.

he thought it was cute how you got excited every time a new song came on, how you declared that it was your favorite song, or even how you sang or rapped to ever song that came on.

"ohh!! i love this song!" you stood up from the floor.

the song in question was so into you by tamia. you knew it anywhere just by the first few seconds.

"with every passing moment, thoughts of you run in my head." you sung as you sat down the pot that you were drying off. "every time that i'm near you, i realize your heaven sent." you sang.

"let's stay together me and you, boy" you pointed to katsuki. he smirked when he realized that you were directing the song to him. "there's no one like around! oh, baby!"

"i really like what you've done to me! i can't really explain it, i'm so into to you!" you continued to sing, which made him chuckled as you continued singing along with tamia. 

you walked over to him, then grabbed his hands, making him sway with you. he looked down at you with a small smile.

when the song ended though, you kissed his cheek. he wrapped his arms around your waist, then kissed your cheek back.

"you liked my singing?"

"no, you idiot," he grumbled. "i did like the song though."

"of course you did, you doesn't like it?!" you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "i'll tell you who, folks who ain't got taste!"

"why the fuck are you so playful this morning?" he asked you.

"i dunno. i guess it's because i'm in such a good mood." you shrugged your shoulders with a smile.

"you're in a good mood too, right? it's because of the music isn't it too?"

"yeah i guess, but i'd be in a better mood if you kissed me."

"you always want kisses." you chuckled as he leaned down, kissing your lips. you giggled, kissing him back.

you were so wrapped up in the song, you didn't even notice the next song that was playing. you only noticed it when you pulled away from the kiss since you needed air.

"i wanna freak you
i wanna freak you
i wanna freak you
every time I close my eyes
i wake up feeling so horny"

freakin you by jodeci was playing. you chuckled then pulled out of his grasp. "i'm gonna go change the song."

"why?" he asked you. "because the lyrics?" he smirked at you.

"yeah." you rolled your eyes. "this isn't exactly a cleaning up song, it's another kind of song and you know good and well." you stuck your tongue out at him, chuckling. you changed the song.

"alright, now back to cleaning." you clapped your hands.

"don't give me orders." he grumbled getting back to work though nonetheless.

i updated twice this week for monday's update!! would y'all like it if i updated once or twice a week? lemme know 🪐!! also i really wanna write a story kinda got an idea for something

written: april 7, 2020
published: april 15, 2020

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