[ 005 ] comfortable.

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warning: angst ..?

"it's fucking two AM and some asshat is at my fucking door

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"it's fucking two AM and some asshat is at my fucking door. whoever it is better have a good damn reason or i'm blowing their fucking face off." bakugou grumbled tiredly as he walked to his room door.

"this damn building better be fucking on fire or else, somebody's dying." the ash blond teenager complained as he opened his door.

when he opened his door, he was shocked at what he saw. you were standing at his door with a blanket wrapped around your head, whilst tears rushed down your cheeks.

"i-i'm s-s-sorry for waking you, i shouldn't have come here." you croaked as you turned away from him. you had heard him complaining through the door, you didn't want to inconvenience him more than you already had.

"wait, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked as he reached out and grabbed your wrist. when he did grab your wrist, he pulled you into his room then closed the door behind himself.

"it's nothing, katsuki. i'm sorry for coming here." you told him as you tried pulling your wrist away from him, but he tightened his grasp on your wrist.

"you're not going anywhere until you fucking tell me what the problem is."

"it's NOTHING, okay?" you shouted before you fell to your knees and started crying even harder than before.

bakugou had never seen you like this. he'd never seen you cry before this, not even when you fell and broke your ankle. he looked down at you as you cried into your blanket.

"hey, what the hell happened to you?" he questioned as he continued looking down at you. he honestly didn't know what to say to you, he wasn't really good with feelings honestly.

you didn't answer, all you did was whimpered.

"last time i saw you, you were as happy as ever. who the hell hurt you, huh?" he asked as he nudged you lightly.

"i-it was nobody, katsuki. don't worry, i'm just tired i haven't been to sleep."

"fucking bullshit! be fucking straight with me!" he said as he forced you up from your knees. you immediately wrapped your arms around him then pulled him into a hug. he wrapped his arm around your waist, then started to rub your back soothingly.

"it was no one, i promise you." you mumbled as you continued to cry into his chest. "it was me, okay? i-i've been overthinking shit again y'know?"

"overthinking what?" he asked as he wiped your tears away.

"my life, but i don't want to talk about it." you replied.

he nodded his head at you then laid his head on yours. you wrapped your arms around him tighter, you didn't want to let him go.

the two of you stood in each other's arms for a while, until you heard katsuki yawn. when you heard him yawn, you moved out his grasp then picked up your blanket that had long been disregarded on the floor.

"i'm gonna go now." you whispered as you rubbed your puffy, itchy eyes. "thank you and i apologize for-" you begin but bakugou cut you off.

"where the hell do you think you're going?" bakugou interrupted you.

"my room, so you can go back to sleep." you told him.

"like hell you are. you're staying right here with me." he told you.

"huh?" you asked, shocked.

bakugou wanted you to... stay with him. that sounded so weird, so foreign coming from him even if he was your boyfriend.

"you heard what i said, idiot? so, come on and get into the bed." he told you as he got into the bed. you nodded your head at him then got in after him.

"now what?" you asked as you sat on your knees.

bakugou wrapped his arms around your waist then pulled your head into his chest. "now, you go to sleep you stupid girl."

"oh yeah, you're right." you whispered.

"you're so fucking stupid sometimes." bakugou rolled his eyes.

you ignored him as you closed your eyes.

"thank you for dealing with my shit. sorry, you have to deal with it."

"don't fucking apologize." he grumbled. "just go to sleep."

"okay." you nodded your head as you yawned. "you make me feel so comfortable, katsuki. you don't even know." you whispered before you fell asleep.

once katsuki heard your soft snores, meaning that you were finally asleep. he kissed your forehead then he went back to sleep himself.


it took so fucking long to start this, but it's literally always like that

written: 9.2.19

published: 9.21.19

also i haven't updated bc i literally have no ideas anymore, so yeah

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