02 | Stranger who visits strangers

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and constructive feedback is appreciated💜

Spanish translation is from google, so feel free to correct me❣

Kataleya's POV:

A black baseball cap, a black mask wearing a black satin shirt and black jeans, I have been waiting at the airport for half an hour.

After more than 12 hours, the flight landed in Madrid, Spain. For the first few hours, I worked and unintentionally fell asleep. I have been working excessively much these days, turning a blind eye to the lack of rest my body is getting.
The flight attendant had awakened me, three hours prior to the landing. After eating a small refreshment, I spend the rest of the time, again, in working.

Now, after the landing and check out, I have been standing with my suitcase at ten in the morning, waiting for someone to pick me up.

Not having enough patience, I decided to hail a cab from the airport cab booth.
Even though, it's risky to hail a taxi from local, because of the scams. But, my patience was wearing thin.

"Al conjunto residencial, calle de Pradillo, 34." I spoke to a cab driver, who was standing outside his cab.

(To the residential complex, calle de Pradillo, 34)

"Serán €40" He stated. I nodded because even though he wasn't asking the right amount, I had no problem with paying, and I wasn't petty enough to bargain. It would be different if Iris was here. She literally would have started arguing.

(It will be €40)

The cab driver put my suitcase in the boot (Trunk) of the car, while I get inside.
The driver, a minute later, got inside the car.

I stared out of the window, gazing at the familiar road and buildings passing by.
The familiar place made me nostalgic about both good and bad memories, which were attached with these places.

I sighed as the ringing of my phone reached my ears. Pulling my phone out of my jeans pocket, I checked the caller ID. It was Iris.

"Hello?" I spoke, picking the call-up.

"Hello? Hello? Are you kidding me now? You left without telling me, bitch! It was Elias who just told me!" She grumbled angrily.

"First, language, you brat! Second, what has got your knicker in twist?" I scolded, and asked. Call it the best friend instinct, but something happened.

"Nothing, just an immoral arse! He is lucky he ain't behind the bars." The frustration in her voice, made me smirk.

"I never thought someone else except Austin will get you annoyed like that. Are you sure it's nothing?" The slight teasing tone, didn't go unnoticed by her.

"There's nothing! That man literally needs to learn some manners. His attitude made me want to slam his head against the freaking floor." She groaned.
Whoever is this man, he will be giving Austin a tough challenge. I thought, while the smirk played on my lips.
If I hadn't worn the face mask, the driver must have considered me a crazy lady.

"I will talk to you in the morning, it's thirty past twelve here, and I'm tired." She stated, and I hummed in response.

"Bye, take care." She bid, and I immediately hang up without any response. A habit of mine. Hanging up on people. Bad one, but who cares.

"Sra. Estamos aquí." The cab driver stated, after parking the cab outside the complex.

(Ms. We are here.)

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