34 | Cold Fish

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♠ Not Edited♠
Enrico's POV:

“You are a little different today.” Riona exclaimed happily.

It's been a few minutes since she arrived. At first, I thought it was Kataleya as I asked her to come early.

But, it wasn't her.

She was sitting across me, on the couch, with her cheery self.

“Am I? Why do you think so?” I was intrigued.

I wasn't behaving different, nor was there any difference in my dressing style or anything.

I was same as always.

“You are not grumpy today. And, you are having a conversation. A proper conversation!” She exclaimed.

Her eyes were glowing with happiness. It was like she solved a quest as she pointed out the change in me. As always, small things can make her day.

“Oh dear! How come I didn't notice? Hats off to you, my Sherlock Holmes!” My response made her burst into fits of giggles.

“So…how's she?” She questioned, with the wiggle of her eyebrows.

“Well, she's kind of bitchy. She never backs down. And, she's bossy, too.” I responded, vividly.

Not because I didn't want to talk about her, but because I don't trust myself. What if I talk non-stop about her?

My sister will think I've gone crazy!

“Really? I liked her when she complimented me at the reception. Is she really that bad?” There was a saddened expression that took over her happy one.

I facepalmed, realizing I wasn't clear, and shattered the image of Kataleya that my sister had in her mind.

“No, No! She ain't that kind of mean. How do I put it? Well, let's see.

She is blunt and bold. If she don't like something, she will point it out without any care. She is just honest.

She hates human race. And my god! She has got the temper of a she-devil!

She is so gorgeous. Her dressing style, her aura, and her personality.

Everything about her is just astonishing. Not to mention, she smells fucking amazing.” I kept on rambling without realizing, but stopped once I heard her giggles.

“What?” I asked her.

In response, she just muttered nothing with a big smile and urged me to continue.

I nodded at her before continuing again.

With me telling my sister everything I noticed about Kataleya and how I always feel overwhelmed and the rush of excitement whenever I have a conversation.

The way I become nervous and conscious about everything. How my heart skyrocket every time she's close to me.

I let out everything and my sister patiently listened.

“I am telling you! There's something wrong with my heart. That's why I'll be visiting a doctor soon.” I told her, and her little giggles were now full of laugh.

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