30 | It wasn't...

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Kataleya's POV:
(Not Edited)

“I will break your friend's hands if there's even a single scratch on my baby.” I warned the damned human, who was driving his car.

“This is the thousandth time I am hearing you repeat it. You and your car shares an unhealthy obsessive relationship.” He glanced at me for a second, before paying his attention back to the road.

“I am just telling you.” I cleared my throat, and turned my head sideways to look outside the windows.

It was quiet for a while, with me watching the passing cars, and the buildings beautifully lit with lights.
It was already dark, yet the light emitting from these buildings and the streetlights made it seem alive and bright.

These lights were the support for those who were walking these streets alone at night.

I wonder, how many people are lost in the places with no lights present to show them the way back to their destination.

Maybe they will be lost in the dark for a while, before finding the light they need and desire to seek.

Hopefully, all of them will find the lights if they don't turn in the wrong path. For, one can only have so much will.

“Kataleya?” I hummed in response to Enrico calling my name.

“We still have not decided where to go for dinner.” He further stated.

I turned towards him, already have a place in my mind.
When I was about to answer, the ringing of my phone cut me off.

I muttered an “Excuse me” and picked up the phone after checking the caller ID.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Kat, you need to come over to Iris's place right now.” Austin informed.

My intrusive thoughts began to go wild, hearing the worry in his voice. There was something wrong.
And I had the feeling I won't like it.

“What is wrong? Is she okay?” I wanted to confirm if Iris was safe. I hope she is.

“She is not injured and is fine. But, she is scared. She won't let me call you because of her not wanting to worry you. But, you need to see this. Please, come soon.” Austin pleaded, and At that moment, I knew there won't be anything that will make me not go.

I said bye and told him I'll be there soon and hung up.

“Change of plan. Drop me at Iris place.” I exclaimed. My tone, leaving no room for discussion or anything.

He didn't question either. I just typed her address, and he was following the directions to her place.

The whole ride, there were no questions asked and no words spoken. He understood the graveness of the situation and decided to keep his mouth shut.

It was after fifteen minutes, which felt like more than an hour, we finally reached the destination.

Apparently, Iris lives in the colony where rich people don't live. Just the middle class and upper middle class. In her words, “I hate being surrounded by those pretentious creatures whose lives revolve around money only.”

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