05 | People never change

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P.s. Don't be a silent reader.
(Not edited)

“You are stupid.” Gael sulked.

“Yeah. Stupid with 40% shares of the Hernández Corp.” I wiggled my eyebrows, almost getting smacked by the pillow.

“Yahh you brat! Who taught you to throw things at your elders? You want me to re teach you how to treat and behave with your adults?” I exclaimed, picking the pillow and hitting him with it.

“Oh cmon! Stop treating me like a baby.” He whined, making me smile softly.

“But are not you one?” I teased him while pinching his cheeks, making him yelp in annoyance.

“No! I am not a baby.” He argued squatting my hand away.

“Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, hungry?” I asked.

“I am starving.” He replied.

“Then go to the kitchen and make something for us.” I stated. Trying to push him off the couch with my feet.

“You are the elder. You go and cook something.” He spread his body on the couch, making it hard to push him off.

“I raised you, you brat. I am having a headache too, thanks to our elder siblings. So, either get your flat butt in the kitchen and make something for us, or pick up the damn phone and order a takeout.” I concluded with a yawn at the end.

“Fine. Go and freshen up. We both have been laying here since we came back from the mansion. Which was about two hours ago.” He stated and I hummed softly. 

“Also, my butt is rounder than the globe” he muttered under his breath while walking to the kitchen, making me roll my eyes.

“They didn't even ask us to stay for dinner.” I said, now laying on the couch and staring at the ceiling.

“I know right? They didn't even notice that you rarely touch the lunch. And then, you got busy with the paperwork. And I thought they will ask us to stay for at least dinner, but no. They wanted us to leave as soon as you were done with the paperwork.” The disappointment in Gael's voice made me chuckle.

“People never change, do they?” I let out with a deep sigh and closed my eyes, letting my hand press my temples.

“Apparently they do. Just not the people we know.” He yelled from the kitchen, making me chuckle.

For a few minutes, I just laid back on the couch with my eyes closed before finally bringing myself to get up.

Thanks to Gael, I just have to freshen up as he already unpacked my stuff.

Shower, here I come.


“La ta da da, La ta da da” Applying the face cream while singing along the lyrics of ‘Yours’ playing at the low volume, I stood in front of the mirror.

Admiring my reflection, I noticed how much mature I look now. It's not the first time I am staring at myself, but it's a habit I developed over years.

Staring at the person in the mirror, the reflection of mine. I began to appreciate it all. My beauty and my flaws. My maturity and my innocence. It's all a part of me. Some I had from the beginning, while some I achieved on my journey. Some would call it being much too egoistic, but it's what I call self-love.

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